So Help Me God

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eds.the.spagheds: So... Long past few months, yeah? It's almost summer. I'm almost out of high school. I just decided to say a few things, if that's alright with y'all. I don't really care if it is or not because it's happening anyway. I'm typing this bored and lonely in a hospital bed while I wait for my crutches and permission to leave so forgive me if I get sappy. Here it goes. Richie, I'm really sorry. I was selfish. I guilt tripped you into going to that carnival with me, and I made the stupid decision to go check out a stranger's trailer without anyone else around. I know you feel like it's your fault for showing up late, but it really isn't. I love you. I'm sorry. For everything, from losing my backpack up to exploring a trailer in the dark without someone to help me if shit goes down. I'm sorry for invading your house and being selfish. I'm sorry for being annoying. And giving you fake blowjobs while you're on the phone, although that was a good joke haha. I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends. Y'all never give up on me. Y'all fight for me. Y'all give me a purpose. Thanks for being my purpose. All of you. I told you guys this was going to get sappy. Anyway, hopefully I'll get out soon and we can all go somewhere without being chased by a kidnapper in a clown suit. I was thinking a summer road trip to Disney World... All in favor?

Tagged: @trashmouth_tozier @beverly_hills @old.macdonald @hay.stack @billy_goat_gruff

Eddie made the post and put his phone down just as the nurses walked in with his crutches. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, allowing them to adjust the sticks to his height and fit them under his arms. He clutched on tightly and sighed. He wasn't looking forward to this part. The first person the doctors were required to call were the patient's emergency contact list, and the only person on Eddie's official list was his mother. No doubt she was waiting outside to drag him home and lock him in his room while Richie was nowhere to be seen.

The nurses let him move around the room to get the hang of the crutches and then guided him down the hallway into the elevator. He waited silently, and part of him wished that he could have gone home with Bev earlier that morning. Her mom was her emergency contact, but their relationship was a lot more stable. Eddie swung out of the elevator and was immediately bombarded by a small group of people.

"Eddie!" Bev was squealing. "I came back for you!" She hugged him tightly, and Eddie laughed, peering over her shoulder to see the rest of his friends. Bill and Stan were closest, the taller of the two sporting Georgie in a piggyback ride. Mike stood with Ben off to the other side, smiling fondly. Richie was standing behind everyone with a nervous look in his eyes and a restless tap of his foot. Bev pulled away, and Eddie coughed expectantly. Richie's gaze lifted up to meet his, and the brunette smiled gently. He moved closer, his friends moving out of his way so he could reach the most important person in his life.

"Well? Did'ja miss me?" Eddie asked cheekily. Richie's cheeks became a light pink color, and he lifted a hesitant hand as if to reach out and touch Eddie's face. The brunette grabbed the outstretched hand and shoved it against his cheek, leaning into the touch.

"I sprained my ankle, dipshit, you aren't going to break my face by touching it." Eddie leaned up and pulled Richie down, meeting him halfway for a kiss. There was a soft cheer from Bev, and a few murmurs from the rest of the group.

"We called Miss Sonia Kaspbrak, but she refused to pick you up. This lot showed up and said they could take you. I checked their records and four of them are legally adults, so I checked with the staff and they agreed to make an exception." A nurse standing off to the side interjected, seemingly oblivious to what she had interrupted. Eddie pulled away and thanked her before closing his eyes and enjoying the familiar feeling of a kiss being placed on his nose.

"I think a Disney trip sound great!" Bev piped up as they exited the hospital. "We can all take turns driving, we would only have to stop for food and bathroom breaks. It would be great!" She was scrolling through her phone, supposedly having seen the post.

"A Disney trip?" Stan questioned, raising an eyebrow. Georgie started positively spazzing out on Bill's back, which made Eddie smile.

"Yeah, I mentioned it in the post I made earlier today. I also might have said it once a while back, but I don't remember. I thought it would be a really cool kind of bridging into adulthood type adventure. We could bring Georgie if we wanted." The boy only got more excited upon hearing that. They all reached their respective cars, preparing to pile in.

"Yeah, I'm in if I can scrape together the money. Let's have a sleepover tomorrow night and start organizing it," Ben suggested. Everyone agreed and said their goodbyes, getting into their respective vehicles. Eddie slipped into the passenger seat of Richie's car, smiling as a warm hand gripped his.

"I'm going to cuddle and kiss you so much when we get home, I hope you know that." The serious tone in Richie's voice made Eddie laugh.

"Alright, I'm down. We're watching Stand By Me. Don't complain," he held up a hand. "We didn't get to finish it the first time we tried. So help me God we will finish this movie." Richie chuckled, squeezing his hand as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"Whatever you say, Spaghetti. Whatever you say."

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