What Can You Do

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Richie wasn't there when the search party went down into the sewers. None of the losers were allowed to go.

Richie had to stay in the hospital for a day so they could make sure none of his injuries were infected, and that they were all treated properly. It killed him to know that the day he was spending being cleared to leave was the same day that his spaghetti was probably going to be found.

They had provided him with a warm drink. It was tea, but they had added honey to soothe his irritated throat. He took a sip, warming his hands around the mug as he waited impatiently for the doctor to give him the all clear. He had to do a whole bunch of paperwork and shit, and the time it was taking for them to just say yes was killing him. He wanted to go see if his best friend was alive, goddamnit.

Finally, after what felt like years, the doctor entered the room. He looked up at Richie, and with a small smile, nodded. The curly-haired boy was out the door in a second, bringing the mug with him. He checked out at the front office and changed into his sweatshirt and jeans as fast as he could. The hospital had them washed for him. He dashed out the door and nearly ran into a very shocked Beverly, who had just been on her way in. Her eyes lit up upon seeing him and she threw her arms around his neck in a big hug.

"Richie! I am so glad you're alright. How's the stomach feeling?" She prodded him gently, and playfully, making sure to go for the opposite side of the injury. Richie clutched at the spot she poked, faking a pained gasp. That made her giggle. It was nice to hear someone laugh after such a long time filled with tears and screams.

"It's alright. The doctors said I was going to have a permanent scar in the shape of an E, but hey, what can you do? Maybe I'll just tattoo over it some day." He grinned, and Bev smiled back. They both burst into little giggling fits at the same time, and turned to walk back to her car.

"You know, I heard that the search party just left a little over two hours ago. I was hanging out near a police car to see if I could pick anything up before I left to come get you." Richie tried not to get his hopes up, fidgeting with his hands rather uncomfortably. He wished he had his glasses, but he didn't have any left. Henry had just broken his spare pair. All he had were his contacts.

"And..?" He asked, and he knew the anxiety in his voice was evident. She cast a sidelong glance at him, and her face said it all. There was a gentle confirmation as well as a dark shadow of pity and sympathy. Richie's heart didn't seem to know what to do. Sink, or leap into his throat? It settled for a spastic shimmy and his smile faded a bit.

"Richie, they found a body. That was what I heard before it was time to come get you."

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