Just Average Losers

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🎈The Losers' Club🎈

Bill: I've called you all here for a very important announcement

Bev: this doesn't sound good

Eddie: Agreed.

Stan: Shut up, you guys.

Bill: Yeah, What Stan said. Anyway, like I was saying, there's something important I needed to say in this very chat.

Mike: and that very important thing is...?

Ben: ^

Bev: hurry up so i can cry more

Bill: Right here, right now, at exactly 7:34 P.M. on the evening of Friday, May 28th... I, Bill Denbrough, am officially disbanding The Losers' Club.

Bev: NO


Bill: It's my responsibility as leader of this club. It had to be 100% official so we didn't start making loopholes.

Mike: I already found a loophole lol

Ben: omg no don't tell him

Stan: The chat name, Bill.



billy_goat_gruff changed the chat name to 🎈Just Average Losers🎈

Mike: oh shit it really is official now

Ben: Yeah, man. Once the chat name is changed, there's no going back.

Bev: where is richie why doesn't he have anything to say about this?????

trashmouth_tozier is typing...

Stan: oh god here it comes

Eddie: STANIEL do not use the lord's name in vain

Stan: sorry

Bill: Richie?

Richie: i dont Really have much else to say. its over now i guess. there were times when i thought it would never end, but its over.

Eddie: Oh, Richie..

Bill: it had to be done.

Richie: did it? did it have to be done?

Bill: school is almost over for us. we didn't let anyone into the club that could carry on our legacy.

Richie: um. hello? georgie?

Bill: he doesn't count, I only let him in because it was his birthday

Stan: Whoa, I beg to differ, but you had him swear in just like the rest of us did. If he isn't a real member then none of us are.

Bill: Exactly! None of us are. Because there isn't a Losers' Club anymore. Even if he was a member, it was just disbanded.

Bill: Officially.

Bev: why does it matter if the school ended the club? why can't we just be a club outside of school?

Ben: because cool kids don't have clubs outside of school Beverly

Eddie: but.. we aren't cool kids. We're losers. Hence, 'The Losers' Club'.

Mike: he has a point!

Stan: Stop arguing! Bill made his decision and that's final. What happened to rule number fifty three? 'Once a decision is made by the leader, it is final'.

Richie: so why cant bill just DECIDE to restart the club?

Bill: because I'm not the leader anymore.

Bev: then i'll be leader

Bill: no! It doesn't work that way.

Richie: why not? lets just start a new losers club

Stan: Because that's against the rules of the old Losers' Club.

Mike: but if the old losers' club isn't a thing anymore then why do we have to follow the rules?

Eddie: Another FANTASTIC point.

Bill: oh my god y'all are crazy if you actually thought I would let this happen

Eddie: WHAT

Bill: Eddie, we've been The Losers' Club since elementary school. There were no clubs then, but we were still The Losers' Club. Why should Now be any different? Consider this the birth of The UNOFFICIAL Losers' Club.

Stan: Thank the lord. I thought they would never stop complaining.

Richie: Jesus Christ this was stupid

Bev: bill you are a terrible person

Bill: Yeah haha I totally didn't just change my mind because I would miss the meetings too much..

Stan: You are insufferable.

Eddie: AGREED.

Bev: totally.

Richie: 100%

Ben: absolutely.

Mike: without a doubt!

Bill: haha... oops?

billy_goat_gruff has changed the chat name to 🎈The Losers' Club🎈

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