That Wasn't Funny

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"What do you want to go on first?" Richie asked, grabbing Eddie's hand tightly and lacing their fingers together. Eddie squeezed back, hesitating as he looked down at his map and then looked up at the giant entrance to Magic Kingdom. Stan and Bill were already strolling down Main Street. Mike was talking up a girl in line for ice cream. Bev and Ben were buying Mickey Ears.

"Um..." Eddie hesitated. This was a lot to take in. What was close by? He decided to plan it strategically. "We could make our way over to Tomorrowland first, and do whatever we can do there before moving on to somewhere else.. We should go area by area." He started down Main Street, pulling Richie with him and pointing out the different things you could buy. Richie smiled all the while, giving Eddie a fluttery feeling.

Stepping into Tomorrowland was like stepping into the future- Which was what it was supposed to be, granted, but it still felt weird to be seeing a street with a trolley one moment and white skyscrapers and solar panels the next. The first thing that jumped out at Eddie the moment he laid eyes on it was the Buzz Lightyear ride. His heart nearly stopped as he dragged Richie into line so they could wait it out, checking his watch every few minutes.

The laser shooters were Richie's favorite part, but Eddie's favorite part was the fact that he beat his boyfriend. He also defeated the Evil Emperor Zurg, but in this case, beating Richie was more important. He was still grinning rather smugly about it as he stepped off of the ride and pulled ahead, strutting his stuff. He squeezed between the bars in the gift shop to stand in jail with Zurg, pretending to scowl deeply. Richie laughed and pulled out his phone, taking a picture.

"Lemme see!" Eddie bounced forward, grinning from ear to ear as he examined the picture. He certainly looked angry. But Zerg looked menacing, too. "That's scary looking," he mused. Richie turned off his phone and shoved it in Eddie's fanny pack (that had been bought at one of the many gift shops in their resort), shaking his head.

"You are one spooky guy, Spaghetti. Where to next?" He pulled out the map and gave it a once-over, settling on Tomorrowland and searching a bit more thoroughly. "We could do Sp- "

"Hey, you guys!" Bev came rushing over, red-faced and out of breath. She beckoned them forward, and despite her obvious strain, her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Come on, we're getting in line for Space Mountain. Everyone is waiting for you!" She tossed her pony tail over her shoulder, adjusting her mickey ears and ran back in the direction she had come. Uncertainty caused Eddie to be reluctant, but Richie looked happy, so he followed a bit more slowly.

"'Chee.." He grabbed the back of the boy's shirt just before they got placed in rows. The line had taken nearly an hour and a half of waiting and listening to the horrifying screams of people further in the building. Eddie flinched as another round bounced towards them off of the walls, and his grip on Richie's shirt tightened. The taller boy turned around, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"It's gonna be fine, Spaghetti. I'll hold your hand the whole time, okay? Nothing bad is gonna happen to you." He pressed a kiss against the tip of Eddie's nose, and the brunette automatically relaxed, nodding quietly. But that didn't keep his heart from speeding up involuntarily when they were directed to a kart. He tried to settle down as the cold restraints were lowered over his legs, and he gripped the bar so tightly his knuckles turned white. He was sure his face was a similar color. He had never been allowed on a carousel, and now he was going on a rollercoaster. His hand shot out and Richie took it, gripping it tightly was a reassuring squeeze.

When the ride started to move, it was slower than Eddie expected. He took a deep breath, and observed as they started to move up with bright lights on either side of them. A computerized voice announced that they were going into hyperdrive and started a countdown that had Eddie holding on for dear life when she got to one.

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