Please God

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"Eddie. Wake up."

Said boy groaned, turning his head away. He had been having a dream... What was it, again? It had been weird. Something about a clown. Perhaps he had been bringing Georgie to the circus, he thought sleepily. What a nightmare that would be for the poor kid, What with Bob Grey being a clown and all.

He was so lost in thought that he had begun to drift off again. Something warm was enveloping him, and the source was coming from behind him. But someone else was shaking him gently from above. He sighed heavily, pressing himself backwards so he was more fully and comfortably snuggled against the warmth, the unbelievable warmth.

"Eddie!" Well, there was no way he was sleeping anymore. He opened one eye rather begrudgingly and flared up at Parker, his frustration only growing. The boy looked pleased, and Eddie found himself thinking that he should not be pleased whatsoever, because he was not a happy camper when people woke him up before he was ready. They had found a nice spot outside after school so Eddie could tell Richie of his graduation plan, though it was chilly, and Eddie had fallen asleep between his partner's legs with his back against Richie's chest.

Speaking of Richie, the boy was still sleeping soundly, which was why Parker must have looked so proud of himself. Eddie scowled deeply, taking a huffing breath and reaching back to grab Richie's arms and gently loop them around himself.

"I'm glad you're awake," Parker said, sitting back on his heels.

"I'm not," Eddie grumbled, but went quiet after Parker sent a warning glance in his direction.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you about maybe hanging out somewhere outside of school some time? I'm off of work now since it's too cold for ice cream. I have a ton of movies and games at my house, but I have karate at night on weekdays so you could only come over for an hour or two. What do you say we plan for Friday, that way you can go home early after a day of fun and still get all your beauty rest in for the weekend?" Parker smiled genuinely, and for a minute Eddie's aggravation dwindled. It was still there, of course, but it faded just a little bit. Parker really wasn't going to let this friendship thing go, was he?

"Is anyone else invited?" He asked awkwardly, and his heart sank a little when the other boy shook his head.

"Nah. Just you and me, and all the snacks we can eat. My little sister might be around, but she won't bother us." Parker shrugged as if it was no big deal, and Eddie heaved a great sigh.

"I'll ask my mom but she tends to be a little... um..." He didn't want to say possessive, because that sounded bad. "Territorial?" Confusion flashed in Parker's eyes, and Eddie shook his head. "Never mind. I'll ask her, it's no problem." Parker grinned, nodding.

"Great! I'll text you my address. See you around, Eds!" Grimacing at the nickname and heart sinking into the pit of his stomach, Eddie waved feebly. He leaned back against Richie, shivering. Even the warmest boy in the world was feeling chilly. Eddie turned around in his grasp, looking down at his face.

This boy was not going to be happy with him for the situation he just landed himself in. Eddie exhaled slowly, before placing a soft kiss on Richie's forehead. He kissed his cheeks, his nose, his jaw, then moved back up and touched their lips together in the softest kiss he had ever given.

"It's time to get up, 'Chee," he murmured against the boy's lips, but it wasn't loud enough to wake him and he knew it. Richie was a deep sleeper. He lifted his hands to cup Richie's face and deepened the kiss a bit, tugging on his lip and slowly waking him up. After only a few moments, there was a returning push, and although Richie's eyes hadn't opened, he was clearly awake.

"Please God, let me wake up like this every day," Richie muttered, coaxing a light giggle out of Eddie. But the laughter faded quickly, and he looked down, mouth settling into a frown.

"Um... Listen, Rich. We've got a situation, and you aren't gonna like it."

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