One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six...

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It was suddenly freezing cold. Eddie tugged his sleeves over his hands and started walking, though he made a large arc around the figure near the tent. He didn't like the vibe he was getting from them. The second he started to move, they moved too. He went still again and stared at the figure. It stopped too. Eddie pulled out his phone with trembling hands and typed in Richie's number. He held the phone up to his ear and uttered a small scream as the figure started making its way across the field towards him.

He started to move away, getting further away from the circus and into the dark. He silently pleaded with Richie to pick up the phone, but it just rang. His breathing quickened and he heard himself begin to wheeze. The phone went to voicemail and he started to move faster, going around the back of the trailer and dropping to the ground. He hung up the phone and switched it off, rolling underneath the vehicle and holding his breath. A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and slipped down the side of his face as footsteps landed just feet from his face. He clenched his fists as tightly as he could, biting down on his lip so hard that it drew blood. He was afraid to breathe, but his lungs were burning.

He exhaled as slowly as humanly possible. He was suddenly very afraid of clowns. He hadn't missed the bright red tint of the figure's hair when the light from the tent had hit it. He closed his eyes and a few more tears fell. The footsteps circled the whole trailer, and it felt like it was taking years. He could hear the shouting from the tent, and he wondered if Parker and the kids were wondering where he was.

Eddie listened intently as the footsteps paused back at the front of the trailer and hesitated. Then the contraption above him started to freak as the thing climbed inside. When the door closed, Eddie finally allowed a soft sob to escape him. He waited for the trailer to fall off its wheels and land on him or something crazy like that. When it didn't, he slowly lifted his phone with violently shaking hands and opened his texts.


Richie: sorry im late i thought id see if anyone else wanted to go cause i was not about to do this shit alone and everyone wanted to go so i picked everyone up and we r on our way

Eddie: richie hurry hes in the trailer

Richie: what? whats goin on? r u ok?

Eddie: hurry i dont know when hes gonna come back out I need help

Richie: what the fuck? is it parker? is he bothering u?

Eddie: noitstheclownohmygod

Eddie turned his brightness down as low as it could go. The trailer was creaking above his head. He could hear something shuffling around inside there was a light thump right where his head was, and he froze.

Then something knocked.

Once, twice, thrice, and then it stopped. He felt himself go pale. It knew he was down there. That was the only explanation. He felt himself start hyperventilating, breathing heavily as he fumbled with his phone and tried to concentrate on texting.

Eddie: behdnidth e tentri chie hlp

Richie: Jesus Christ, hang in there

Richie: Where are you?

Eddie: behindthe tnt

Richie: We're pulling in, hang on. I have to pay.

Eddie: hurry

The knocking started again. This time it was a patter. Knock, knock knock knock knock, knock knock. Eddie let out another quiet sob, clutching his phone to his chest and waiting. Maybe the clown wouldn't notice if he just made a run for it. The curtains of the trailer had been drawn.

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