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"Are you almost done driving, 'Chee?" Eddie's sleepy voice drifted from the back of the car. It was almost nine, which meant it really was almost time for Richie to give up the wheel. He glanced at the rear view mirror to see Eddie coloring in one of the books he had brought. He didn't even seem like he was paying attention to what colors he was using. A smile spread across Richie's face, and he refocused his vision on the road.

"About twenty more minutes, Spaghetti. Why, do you need something?" There was a soft shuffling noise as Bev put away whatever book she had been reading. She had moved into the back next to Eddie so Stan could sit in the second row next to Bill. Mike was in the passenger seat, and Ben had moved back to Mike's spot, while Bill took Ben's. The plan was to have the drivers in the first two rows so that they didn't wake anyone up while they switched, but Richie had a feeling that he was going to be forcing Bev out of her seat once his shift was over.

"I miss you," Eddie mumbled, his eyes sliding shut as he leaned against Bev's shoulder, his crayon falling out of his hand. Bev caught it and picked up his bag, putting his coloring supplies away for him. "You should come back."

"Come on, Eddie, you should eat something. You barely touched your dinner." Bev took a pack of crackers out of Eddie's pack, opening them. Eddie grumbled something inaudible, turning his head away. "Please? For me?" Eddie hesitated, but opened his mouth so she could feed him the cracker. Richie remained silent, concentrating on the dark road. There was a soft buzz in the background. He had set up his laptop between the two front seats facing the back so that everyone behind him and Mike could watch a movie. Right now it was Forrest Gump.

"Rich, take the next exit," Stan spoke up. "It got darker earlier than I expected, and I know you prefer driving in the light. We can stop and use the bathroom one more time before everyone falls asleep." Richie nodded even though Stan couldn't see him from behind the headrest, and turned on his blinker, switching into the next lane and taking the exit. He pulled in to the nearest gas station and parked, climbing out. The doors swung opened slowly, and everyone got out rather slowly and groggily. Eddie nearly tripped, but Bev caught him, before handing him over to his boyfriend with a smirk. Richie heaved Eddie up onto his back in a piggyback ride, heading into the gas station and carrying him into the bathroom.

"You gotta use the bathroom, Spaghetti?" There was a faint shake of the head. "Well, try to go anyway." He eased Eddie down onto his feet, and gave him a gentle nudge towards the first clean stall. Eddie straightened up and seemed to shake himself awake as he closed the door. Richie went as well, washing his hands twice under Eddie's watchful gaze and allowing his boyfriend to usher him outside after with nearly indecipherable mumbles about how he wasn't allowed to be in there alone this time. Richie laughed, moving Bev's bag up towards the front and reclaiming his spot next to Eddie.

He gasped in surprise when a weight landed in his lap and Eddie was looking down at him with darkening eyes and wandering hands. The brunette connected their lips, and despite the intimacy of their position, it was the sweetest and softest kiss Richie had ever experienced. He smiled into it, tilting Eddie's head a little so he could slot their mouths together more fully. The kiss was deepened a bit, and Eddie tugged on Richie's hair, sending a trill of pleasure down the boy's spine.

"Everyone plant your ass in a seat that isn't already taken by someone else and buckle yourself in," Stan said loudly. Eddie groaned into Richie's mouth, collapsing against him and moving his head onto the seat behind Richie's shoulder. Richie grinned and parted his knees so that Eddie's ass touched the edge of the seat, then pulled the seatbelt so it was over both of them, smirking at Stan who narrowed his eyes.

"That doesn't count, Tozier. Move him." The boy tried to take charge as everyone piled in. Eddie squirmed his way back up onto Richie's lap so he could be more comfortable, and Richie just shrugged, casting Stan an innocent look.

"Sorry, Staniel. Looks like nothing can be done." Richie grinned, locking his arms around Eddie's waist and burying his face into the boy's neck. He started placing little kisses everywhere he could reach, coaxing a few giggles out of the brunette.

"Stop, Richie, that-" He broke off into a cross between a surprised squeak and a quiet moan when Richie nipped a sensitive spot before kissing it again gently. "Tickles.." Eddie finished softly. He reached down and unbuckled the seatbelt, sliding off of Richie's lap and into his own seat. Bill looked back to make sure everyone was in their proper seats. Eddie pulled his seatbelt on and picked up his pillow from where it lay at his feet. Richie shifted, turning in his seat so he was facing Eddie with his own pillow propped up behind him so he was comfortable. He opened his arms and parted his knees so Eddie could settle between them, putting his pillow against Richie's chest and pulling their blanket over them.

"It's not too dark for you, is it, Eddie?" Richie mumbled into the blackness. He thought he heard Eddie chuckle, and then a hand caught his own, lacing their fingers together.

"With you, it doesn't matter."

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