Too Early

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Stan wasn't enjoying how everything was taking it's toll on his boyfriend.

Bill was shutting himself up in Stan's room practically every day, insisting that it was too soon to keep looking for everyone. Too soon to face the possibility that they wouldn't find them. Bev, Ben and Mike came by a lot to check up on them, but none of them were able to convince Bill to help them search.

So, the trio would look by themselves. Ben didn't particularly like letting Bev go out on her own, so he did his best to keep up with her and help look. He was beginning to lose a few, and this was certainly helping, especially since they had been using their bikes to look rather than cars. It was harder to look out the window of a car while you were driving than it was to look around and go down narrow alleyways on a bike.

Something about Derry was unsettling to all of them. Especially Ben. He had been doing research, and he could never find anything particularly stand-out-ish about the town, but it always felt wrong, like there was some type of evil looming over them from within. Yet, even the crime rate seemed to be lower than most places.

Twelve children were missing, including Richie, Eddie and Georgie. Three members of the beloved Losers' Club. Georgie had been accepted into their ranks as his latest birthday present. At this rate, some of them were afraid that it was going to keep happening. Kids were going missing monthly, almost weekly at this point. Posters were up all over town, some covering others. Sonia Kaspbrak was demanding the army show up to look for her son.

None of the losers forgot their friends. It had been a week since Eddie went missing, two since Richie, and nearly a month since Georgie disappeared. Almost every day, Ben Bev and Mike looked while Stan took care of Bill.

"It's t - t - to early," Bill said again when Stan asked if he would help. Stan paused, took a deep breath, and decided something had to be done.

"Bill, it's never too early. If you wait any longer, you might just find that by the time you start looking, it will only be too late."

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