Summer's Out For School

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Summer was ending. It was the last day before school started up again. Senior year was upon them, and none of the losers were ready.

That was a lie. Maybe Ben was ready, and Mike, because they were both sure of what they wanted to be when they grew up. Richie seemed to be leaning towards his voices like he used to do when he was younger, but he was still unsure. In Eddie's opinion, Richie's voice could be used for something much better than just his silly voices. He could be a voice actor, or maybe even a real onscreen actor.

Eddie still had absolutely no idea. Bill had always been writing, and he was already working on a story. He said it was about the eight of them, counting Georgie. It was about what could have taken Georgie, and what would have happened if he was dead. Bev liked designing clothes. Stan seemed to be leaning towards the business end of things, but what type of business, Eddie had no clue. He felt like the only one who didn't know what he wanted to do with his life.

"You could be my own personal stripper and I would let you live off of my acting money for free," Richie offered. Eddie had smacked his arm with a bright red face and told him to fuck off.

Not much had passed between the two since 'the kiss', as Eddie had been calling it. As promised, Sonia had locked Eddie up in his room until most of his bruises had faded. She had yet to see the shape of the cut on his stomach, and neither had Richie, though he had told his boyfriend what it was. His eyes had practically popped out of his head when he saw Richie's.

Now it was the last day of summer, and Mrs. K was not happy. Eddie had washed and put on those little red shorts that he had been wearing just because he knew Richie was going to hate it. They certainly brought back memories, but a piece of clothing wasn't going to traumatize Eddie. He had stolen another one of Richie's sweatshirts as well, so he decided to be a little asshole and put it on. He made sure it was falling off of his shoulder just like it had been that day, then clipped on his brand new fanny pack that held his new phone and a portable charger as well as Advil, since his mother refused to put him on the pain meds from the hospital.

He paraded out the door and grabbed his bike out of the garage, hopping on and riding away. He hadn't seen Richie since he made the post, and he had been texting him off and on ever since, but seeing was going to be so much better. He rolled down the street, actually rather excited for what Stan had suggested as their last day get-together. It was certainly crazy, like the boy had suggested. He wondered if he should have brought his bathing suit for the hundredth time, but then reminded himself that everyone was just going to be jumping in their undergarments because that made it all the more exciting.

He had to ride past Richie's house to get there, but he knew Richie had left already. The thought of seeing his best-friend-turned-lover just made him pedal faster, coasting at high speed down a hill. The feeling of the wind hitting his face was exhilarating. He had never gone down a hill this fast before. But, his fears of falling got the better of him, and he slowed down near the bottom. He was nearly there.

When he saw his friends with their bikes in the distance, he pushed a bit harder, a big smile spreading across his face as he skidded to a stop and nearly toppled over.

"J - J - Juh - Juh - Jesus, Eddie. S - Slow down!" Bill had thrown out an arm to steady him, and Eddie grinned sheepishly, scrambling off of the bike and letting it rest on the kickstand.

"Thanks, Big Bill. I guess I was just excited, that's all. I haven't seen any of you guys in over a month! Get over here." He opened his arms wide, the sleeves of Richie's sweatshirt going far over his hands, and he spotted the owner out of the corner of his eye. The boy was sneaking around just at the edge of his peripheral vision, and he had a weird look in his eye as he stared at Eddie. But everyone was crowding in and welcoming Eddie back, so the brunette ignored his boyfriend and enjoyed the moment with everyone else.

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