I Don't Want To Die

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It was starting to get cold, and Eddie couldn't feel his legs. He sort of hobbled along anyway, salty tears still going down his stinging cheeks. He figured it didn't matter if he sobbed, since nobody would hear him anyway.

That was before he fell.

Eddie had just been walking along, and then he tripped. Over something that wasn't hard, but soft. It wasn't squishy, like the other things he had stepped in. It was sort of long, and wide. If he pushed hard enough, it moved.

But what was it?

Eddie crouched down, and prodded the thing. Nothing happened. He grabbed part of it, and pulled, then reeled back with a shriek of horror. The thing he had grabbed was an arm. This was a human. And upon putting his hand on their chest, he realized they weren't breathing.

"What the fuck!" Eddie cried, scrambling away and curling himself into a ball. "Why the fuck would you do that why are you here? I don't want to die." He repeated the last sentence a few times, lifting the hood of Richie's hoodie and hiding his face in it. He lifted the collar over his nose again and tried to find the smell of his best friend.

He couldn't smell anything. He had grown used to the stench of the sewer. But if he didn't cover his nose, he could smell blood. It made his stomach churn, and he didn't want to throw up again. So he sat there, sure that if he tried to move he would pass out, and if he uncovered his nose that he would hurl. He sat there, and cried. His stomach clawed at his innards, practically killing him from the inside out. All of his cuts were singing a painful melody, and he was just done.

He was done trying to find his way out of an endless maze. If he had been smart, he would have thought about where he was in the sewers before he left the place where he had fallen down. But he hadn't, and now he was stuck without a clue where he was sitting. For all he knew, he wasn't even in Derry anymore.

"I don't want to die!" He screamed, listening to his voice echo throughout the tunnels. His echo was the only friend he had at this point, besides the body. He decided to name him Steve. The echo was somewhat comforting. It was some sound other than the splash of water as he walked through the sewers, but right now he was sitting, so it was almost completely silent.

"I don't want to die!" He shouted, a little louder this time. It echoed, alongside the splash of his footsteps.

Then Eddie looked down, and he was sitting. He didn't have footsteps. He looked back up, and there were still sounds of footsteps, closer this time. He lifted a hand, and realized he could see it. A few voices echoed down the hall, and he could hear them, he could see the beams of light coming towards him and he could feel people grabbing at his arms. One of them screaming, probably into a radio, that there was a body they had found.

Eddie looked over, and through the blinding light of the flashlights, he saw the very bloody and very dead body of Henry Bowers.

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