Just Some Things

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"Eddie?" Richie had only spoken a few moments after saying goodnight, but Eddie hadn't fallen asleep yet. He opened his eyes and looked up at his boyfriend, still frowning.

"You don't really think there's anything wrong with you, right? You just said you did in the call. I wanted to make sure you know that you're fine the way you are." Richie's words caused Eddie's heart to swell, and he blushed a considerable amount as he tried to think of the least alarming way to answer his question.

"I guess not. I mean, I have nightmares sometimes because of what happened, but everyone who's been through something like that is bound to have nightmares, right? It's not uncommon. I guess the least normal thing about me is probably all the medication my mom makes me take, but that's not really my fault, is it?" He wasn't sure exactly what he was trying to say. There was something that bothered him, but he didn't want Richie to feel like he had to compliment him or anything just because he was feeling insecure. After all, his too-skinny frame would disappear in no time once his eating schedule regulated again. In the meantime he just had to wear baggy clothes and keep Richie's hands off of him. The day at the quarry had been an exception.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything, Spaghetti. I want you to trust me." As he spoke, Richie's arms were drawing Eddie in closer, pressing him as close as he could be, and it was the warmth that finally made Eddie feel sleepy.

"I know. I trust you, Rich. There are just some things that you don't need to worry about." Eddie yawned, feeling the familiar peck on the tip of his nose.

"Now I'm even more worried." Richie's hands gripped Eddie's hips, rubbing slow circles. Eddie shifted slightly, pressing his face into his boyfriend's chest to hide his light blush, especially as Richie's hands tried to wander underneath his sweatshirt again.

"Richie..." Eddie exhaled slowly, gripping the boy's wrists tightly and clenching his jaw at the feeling of his fingertips brushing against his ribs. He closed his eyes, biting his lip to refrain from saying anything more. It was already embarrassing.

"What's wrong? Why are you hiding?" Eddie turned his head away, his grip on Richie's wrists faltering. He nearly had a heart attack when mere seconds later the boy took him by surprise and practically yanked the sweatshirt up and over his head with no difficulty.

"Richie!" Eddie repeated in a whisper-shout, his arms moving to curl around himself. The taller boy sat up on his knees and leaned over Eddie, prying his arms away and pinning his arms over his head.

"Stop it, Eddie. I want to see you, okay? I want to see this. You're beautiful." As if to prove his point, Richie captured Eddie's lips with his own, letting go of the boy's arms so he could wrap his own around Eddie's waist. Eddie curled his around Richie's neck, slightly guilty at the fact that Richie had felt the need to do that.

"You don't have to do this, Rich. I know it's not normal to be this skinny, and once it goes away, I'll be fine. It's just uncomfortable now, and it's going to be for a little while." Eddie blushed furiously at the sight of Richie shifting downwards to his face was over the brunette's stomach.

"I want to, Spaghetti." The feeling of his breath on Eddie's stomach made the shorter boy shudder. It was warm and comforting against his skin, and he couldn't help but let his head fall back and his eyes slide shut. A breathy sigh escaped his lips as Richie began to slowly but surely place gentle butterfly kisses all over his chest and stomach. None of them were rough or needy, they were all sweet and gentle and his touch was featherlike.

When he reached Eddie's neck he was even more gentle, and then his face felt like barely anything was touching it at all, but the energy that was left behind made him shiver.

Then Richie finally found his lips for the second time, and it was the most soft and gentle kiss Eddie had experienced so far. Despite the serene peacefulness behind the exchange, Eddie couldn't help but deepen the kiss a little bit. Just add some extra passion.

"I love you, Richie." He smiled blindly, his eyes remaining shut, but he had a feeling Richie was smiling too as he plopped back down beside him and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you, too."

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