Almost A Year

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"It's set in stone!" Eddie cheered, and Richie's heart fluttered at the sound of pure happiness in his boyfriends voice. He had been so much happier lately, and it was making Richie feel a lot less nervous about the boy's anxiety. He reminded himself to visit Mr. Epping and thank him for the advice.

"It sure is, Spaghetti. We're leaving tomorrow." Richie's arms looked around Eddie's waist, and the brunette turned around, pulling him into a tight hug.

"I love you, Richie. You make me so happy, and I don't know what I would do without you." The words made Richie choke up, though he would never admit it. He ran his hands up and down Eddie's back slowly, unable to fight off the smile that was beginning to take over his features.

"You wouldn't get kidnapped, that's for sure." His weak attempt at a joke was met with a smack to the shoulder, but he could feel Eddie's smile against his chest, and that was enough for him. "But seriously," he concluded, running his hands through Eddie's hair gently. "I love you, too. I hope I can always make you this happy." Eddie reached up and pulled him into a sweet kiss, cheeks becoming a light pink color.

"Yeah, well you know what would make me really happy? Pack your shit." Eddie laughed, pulling away and throwing their suitcase opened. It was the night before the big trip, and he himself was completely packed, but half of the suitcase was still very much empty. He grabbed some of Richie's chosen outfits and rolled up the clothes very small, packing them into the corner. There had to be enough space for all of his stuff, Eddie had packed smartly. Once all of Richie's clothing was packed- with no help from Richie himself- Eddie grabbed a toiletries bag and pulled his boyfriend into the bathroom, dropping all of their necessities into the pack.

"You are so thorough. I love it!" Richie grinned cheekily. Eddie made a face at him, packing the bag down into the suitcase and squeezing it shut. He zipped it up and pulled it up onto its wheels, puffing out his cheeks and exhaling slowly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty great," Eddie agreed. "Grab your backpack, Parker dropped mine off last time we chaperoned Georgie and Bella's date. If those two keep going to the movies then there won't be anything left to see util Christmas." Eddie snorted, shaking his head and picking up the old bag with the holes in the front. It was the very same one he had lost almost a year ago.

"Can you believe it's been almost a year?" Richie seemed to have read Eddie's mind. They shared a look, and Eddie closed his eyes, sighing.

"I need a new fucking backpack." He laughed, and Richie joined in. Eddie threw a bunch of coloring books he had found at the dollar store and all of his hundreds of crayons that they had collected and left in a box under Richie's bed in case anyone got bored. He packed batteries for their portable chargers and a few actual phone chargers for when they had outlets.

"What am I even supposed to put in this?" Richie asked blankly, glancing around his room. Eddie sighed, exasperated.

"I don't know, Richie. What do you want to bring for the ride? It gets boring. Put your headphones in there, I'm bringing mine. Download a few movies on your laptop, Bev will love that." He picked up the boy's laptop and plugged it in so that it would be charged the next morning for when they got picked up. Richie shuffled around the room, shoving random books and handheld puzzles into the bag. He found a deck of cards, and glanced at Eddie, holding them up. The brunette shrugged, and he tossed them in, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm leaving some room for snacks so that we don't have to stop as often," Richie said suddenly, and Eddie's mouth fell opened. He hadn't even thought of that.

"Oh my God that's actually a really good idea. I can't believe Stan didn't think of that. See, you're so smart!" Eddie practically purred, jumping up into Richie's arms and curling his legs around the boy's waist. Richie tilted his head backwards and Eddie cupped his cheeks firmly, placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love being smart when I get rewards like this," Richie sighed blissfully. Eddie chuckled, kissing him again a bit more deeply this time. Richie gripped his thighs tightly, holding him up while they locked lips. Finally, Eddie pulled away and slid to the floor, regaining his footing. He glanced at the clock.

"We should go to bed early. They're going to be here at like six in the morning to get an early start." Eddie watched with a bemused smile as Richie collapsed onto his bed with a loud groan. He joined him once he had put on lighter clothing and opened the windows, snuggling up against his boyfriend with an excited squeal.

"I'm so excited, Richie. This is going to be our greatest adventure yet." Eddie turned around so he could be the little spoon and Richie's arms looked around his waist as he got comfortable.

"I somehow doubt that very much, but it'll certainly be an adventure."

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