22 Hours

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"We can take my mom's car, there's room for seven people, including the driver," Ben piped up, and Stan gave him an approving nod before looking back at his notes.

"It'll take us at least 22 hours to get there, depending on traffic. We're gonna want to stop for food and bathroom breaks as little as possible, but we also need to take gas into consideration. We can book the resort ahead of time. We also need to decide how long we're staying." Everyone was listening intently with wide eyes, and Richie was pretty sure he saw Ben start taking notes.

"I have a suggestion!" Bev announced, looking at her own paper and raising her hand as if they were still in school. Their last day had been the previous week and this was their first meeting with the 'Unofficial' Losers' Club. They were discussing the vacation plans.

"I think that to make packing easier, those of us that are sharing rooms should try to share a suitcase." There was a soft murmur of agreement from everyone in the room. They were currently splayed out in Stan's glorious bedroom which was big enough, in Richie's opinion, to be a house on its own. The windows were opened and there were multiple fans along with AC. Eddie had his head in Richie's lap, but it was almost too hot to even do that.

"Mike wants his own room so he can, quote, 'Pick up chicks'." Stan made a face. "Gross, why would you want one of those?" Everyone laughed.

"Hey!" Bev protested with an amused expression. "I can hear you, you know."

"Sorry," Stan shrugged, looking through his paper again. "Those of us whos' parents are giving us graduation gifts that we're planning on using towards this trip have enough to cancel out the cost for the actual resort and parks part, but everyone else has to pitch in for the gas expenses and food during the drive, deal?" There was a soft murmur of agreement. Richie felt Eddie shift uncomfortably and frowned, brushing his hair out of his face. His parents weren't paying for anything either. It wasn't Eddie's fault that his mother was a lunatic.

"I can book the tickets right now if we want to decide on a date," Stan said, and everyone perked up a little bit.

"We're losers, Stanley. None of us have anything else to be doing. We might as well leave tomorrow." Eddie sat up as he spoke, a sheepish grin working it's way onto his face. He had been saving up with his work money so he could put some towards this, but he wasn't sure what he was going to do about college yet. Richie assured him that even though his dad was an ass and left, he still had some money in an account that was transferred every month, and he could land a solid job once he was out of school to support the both of them, even if he didn't start off acting right away.

Eddie hadn't been too thrilled at the idea of needing someone to take care of him until he could scrape together the money to go to school himself, but it was his best bet. He didn't exactly have a choice in the matter.

"I'll book it for next week. We've got rooms next to each other in the Andy's Room part of the Pixar resort from Sunday until Wednesday afternoon, then we've gotta get out of there for the next people. We'll leave on Saturday and hopefully get there Sunday morning, deal?" Everyone broke out into excited conversation, though the energy was weak due to the heat.

"This is gonna be great, Spaghetti. We've just gotta relax, yeah? The drive will be a little stressful, but there's no reason for it not to be fun anyway." Richie pulled Eddie closer and placed a kiss on his lips. Eddie sighed softly, shifting so he could reach him easier and press their lips together more fully. It had been a while, to say the least. Lots had been going on.

"Get a room, you two!" Eddie blushed, practically throwing himself five feet away from his boyfriend and scrambling towards the door.

"Wait! Eddie, it was a joke!" Bev's shrill laughter sounded in the background as Eddie scrambled to his feet and bolted, leaving the door wide opened as he thundered down the stairs, nearly slipping on the last step. He gasped as a pair of arms looked around his waist and pulled him to a stop, soft hair tickling his cheek as a pair of lips met the skin on his neck.

"Not so fast, baby," Richie mumbled against his skin. "We're here for another hour, remember. We can go home when our visit is over and do whatever we want, yeah?" Eddie's blush deepened as he was dragged back up the stairs and into Stan's room. Nobody looked at him, but he could tell they were trying not to laugh, which just embarrassed him further. Richie pulled him close despite the heat, and Eddie let him, listening in on the conversations about planning head on where to stop and whether they were going to drive the whole night through or find a hotel.

"I don't see why not," Stan was saying. "There's seven of us. We can switch off and have some people sleep while one person drives for a little while."

"A - A - Are you s - sure that's s - s - suh - safe?" Bill asked skeptically. "I - I mean, E - E - Eddie doesn't d - drive much, B - Buh - Bev drives like a lunatic, and Ben f - falls asleep faster than a - a - a - anyone, no matter w - wuh - wuh - what he's d - doing."

"Hey!" Bev said for the second time. "I drive perfectly fine, thanks very much!" Everyone stared her down, and her cheeks went pink. "Shut up.."

"Then we'll switch off between Bill, Mike, Richie and I. If all goes to hell then who's to say we can't decide then and there to stop at a hotel or something? It's just that, that many rooms will be expensive, and I don't think they're going to let seven people pile up in one room," Stan pointed out.

"He's got a point," Mike piped up. "I've driven nights before when my Mama and Pops want to visit family, so I don't mind taking a night shift."

"I can drive a little while, but I have trouble seeing the roads at night so I'd prefer an earlier shift," Richie requested. Stan nodded, jotting down the information on another sheet that was to be added to his book-worthy stack of papers.

"That's fine, then. We'll switch off every time we stop during the day, and Richie will drive from the last switch up until nine, if that's alright. It'll only be dark for a few hours of your shift." Stan glanced up, seeking Richie's approval. The boy shrugged, giving his agreement. "Good. Then Bill can drive until twelve, and I'll take over until three. Mike will get the home stretch. We'll get there just in time for our rooms to open."

There was another burst of excited whispers. Stan looked extremely pleased with himself. Eddie decided that he should be, seeing as he had practically planned this whole thing, and his parents were paying for most of it.

"Sounds good!" Richie said loudly. "If it's all settled, then, I think we'll be off to find that room."

Just like that, Eddie's blush returned and knowing smirks spread across the faces of his friends as he was pulled to his feet and out the door. He clambered up onto Richie's back as the teen descended the stairs and headed out the door, making sure to close it firmly behind him.

"Off we go, Spaghetti."

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