Why Wouldn't He

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"Come on, Eddie, it could be fun!" A persistent hand was tugging at Eddie's sleeve, and he tried to lose the person following him, but his shakes were starting up again and it was difficult to push the hands away when his own were trembling.

"No, Parker. I am not going to the circus with you." He winded through the halls, ducking past people and tugging at his own sleeve, but Parker's grip tightened. "Why would I ever agree to go anywhere with you? You hurt me. A lot." Parker's eyes flashed dangerously when Eddie looked at him, and the smaller boy shuddered.

"Because I'm taking Bella, and she's bringing Georgie. You don't want anything to happen to him, do you?" Parker's glare morphed into smirk, and Eddie's heart started beating a little bit faster. His chest started to tighten up when Parker shifted his grip onto his arm rather than just his sleeve, tugging Eddie into the corner of the hallway and blocking him up against the wall. The brunette flinched when the boy's face got very close to his own, his breath hitching.

"No," he said in a very small voice. It was true. He didn't want anything to happen to Georgie. He was sure Bella wouldn't hurt the boy, but she was small. Parker could overpower her easily. He felt his hands start shaking harder, and his books nearly slipped from between his fingers as Parker's minty breath hit his nostrils and he cowered. How silly it was that a Senior was afraid of a sophomore. How peculiar.

"Then it's settled!" Parker started cheerfully. Eddie's eyes squeezed shut when the boy's freezing fingers brushed against his cheek. His heart felt like it was about to explode out of his chest. "I'll pick you up at eight P.M. on Saturday, then." And suddenly it was over. This time Eddie's stuff really did fall from his grasp, and tears welled up in his eyes as he got down on his knees to pick up all of his discarded papers. It was almost the end of the cold seasons, which meant it was getting warmer. The circus was outside this weekend, in town for only a few days. Richie had scoffed at it, claiming that he would never go to a circus even if it meant he'd die a slow and painful death. Eddie had considered asking why, but he had a feeling he didn't exactly want to know.

He wiped his tears away before they could fall and struggled to get the right papers in the right binders, wheezing quietly. A warm hand reached out and grabbed his own, and he gasped, nearly pulling away out of sheer surprise, but he looked up into a pair of huge brown eyes behind a thick pair of glasses and relaxed. Richie looked concerned as he helped pack up the rest of the papers and took Eddie's shaking hands into his own. It had been a few months, and Eddie's anxiety had only gotten as bad as it had that night a few times. It seemed to be at a standstill, not getting any better or worse. His asthma was acting up on occasion as well, just like it seemed to be at the moment, but he had run out of his medicine a while ago.

"Come on, Spaghetti. Free period for you, and I don't mind skipping French." He picked up Eddie's stuff and helped him up, wandering down the hall. Eddie followed silently, gaze downcast. Sometimes it still felt like people were whispering. Richie led him into the outside courtyard cafe and over to an empty spot under a tree, where Parker has first invited Eddie to hang out.

"So what happened back there? Sorry I was late, Mr. Epping wanted to go over shit for the state testing. Like we have to take it.." Richie rolled his eyes, pulling Eddie's backpack off of his shoulder and putting his stuff away inside of it. He sat down, glancing up at Eddie, who stood still for a moment.

"It's cause you have class with younger kids," he stated bluntly, sitting down and allowing Richie to pull him into his lap. Eddie turned around and settled in between Richie's legs instead, with his back against Richie's chest and the taller boy reaching around him to clutch his hands softly.

"Yeah, I know. I was just.. joking." Richie sounded a little confused. Eddie leaned his head back, letting it rest against Richie's shoulder and taking deep breaths to calm down his heart and open up his chest. Richie massaged his hands, playing with his fingers, and slowly but surely Eddie started to relax. He felt sleepy, even, which was something that he had been struggling with.

"I need help," he yawned, eyes fluttering shut.

"Sure thing. What's up?" Richie asked, his voice soft and comforting in Eddie's ear.

"I need you to come to the circus with me. Bella and Georgie are going, and Parker is taking them. He told me if I don't go then he'll hurt Georgie." Eddie sighed. "This time he can actually go through with it. But he can't exactly stop you from going to a public place. I know you hate the circus for some reason, but will you stay with me? I don't want to go with him alone, Bella and Georgie will feel like they've gotta watch out for me on their date."

Eddie felt Richie stiffen behind him, and he tensed. Had he said something wrong? He started to open his eyes, but Richie just pulled him closer, and he tried to relax again.

"And Georgie agreed to go to the circus?" Richie asked stiffly. Eddie hesitated. Why wouldn't Georgie agree to go? Was he afraid of clowns or something? He would have to ask the little boy. Richie sounded almost a little bit scared himself.

"I guess so. I don't see why he wouldn't, he's never mentioned being afraid of it or anything." Eddie felt Richie resume his playing with the brunette's fingers, and it made him feel a little better. He didn't really understand why it was such a big deal. The circus could be fun, like Parker had said.

"Y - Yeah.. I mean, I guess I'll make an exception, just this once." Upon hearing his acceptance, Eddie smiled warmly, turning around and snuggling against him. He curled his arms around Richie's waist, pressing his face into the boy's chest.

"Thanks, 'Chee. I promise we'll make this fun, okay?" His heart sank a little when Richie responded in the least hopeful voice possible.

"Yeah, okay. No problem, Eds."

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