Welp. Shit.

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The Losers' Club

Eddie: Hey have any of you guys talked to Richie since he made that post he isn't answering my texts and Im starting to freak out

Bill: he isn't answering mine and Stan's, either.

Ben: ill text him now

Mike: i only ever send him memes but i can text him for real if itd help

Eddie: Please do it would make me feel better if he answered at least one of you

Stan: Maybe he was just exhausted from going to get your backpack and he's sleeping at his house.

Mike: ^ that sounds like something rich would do.

Bev: guys RELAX. richie is an idiot, but he wouldn't let someone kidnap him. he's small, but he's strong. i agree with mike and stan

Eddie: I know hes strong but what if they caught him by surprise or something? What if hes dead?

Bill: whoa, Eddie, don't say that. i'm sure he's fine.

Stan: What is that house, anyway? Why was your backpack there?

Eddie: Its on the street where Richie plays baseball. It gave me a really bad feeling so I wanted to look for Georgie there but Richie made me take him with me, so we went together just a few nights ago. He said it was crazy because nobody had ever lived there in all the years that he'd been playing baseball on that street, and honestly, the house was too rotten and broken for anyone to have lived there anyway. But when I went up to the door, it was locked from the inside, which meant there had to be someone in there, right? It smelled really bad, like rotten house, alcohol, and just... decay.

Ben: ew

Stan: Then what?

Eddie: Well, Richie wanted to go home, but I wasnt done. If someone was in there, whos to say they dont have Georgie, or any of the other missing kids in the area? So I was running around the side of the house, and I could hear something through the walls. Someone or something in there was moving, and it was following me to the other side of the house. When I got around back, something came out of the house so me and Richie ran. There was a hole going under the fence, so he went under. There was this dog chasing us, that was what came out of the house, and before I could get all the way under the fence my backpack got stuck. I had to get my arms out of the bag and leave it.

Mike: Jesus Christ

Ben: ^

Mike: so it was just a dog, then. i doubt a dog could kidnap richie

Bill: but who owned the dog? and who locked the door?

Stan: It was not safe for Richie to go back there alone.

Eddie: Oh god this is all my fault

Stan: No, Eddie, you didn't do anything wrong. You were looking for Georgie. That's all

Eddie: No, you dont understand, he TOLD me to wait until more people could go. I should have waited, and going at night was a stupid idea too, and now Richie could be dead all because I lost my fucking backpack

Bev: welp. shit.

Mike: what happened?

Bev: well, while you guys were busy arguing about whether or not richie COULD be kidnapped, i rode my bike to his house to find out if he was.

Stan: And?

Bev: he's not there. richie's gone.

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