I Can't Let You

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Richie had taken away his cigarette moments after it had touched his lips and put it out immediately, throwing it out his window with all his might. Then he treated his own the same and crumpled up what was left in the box, tossing it in the trash and stomping it down with his foot as hard as he could.

"Richie, stop it..." Eddie trailed off, watching as his boyfriend straightened up with hunched shoulders and stress-filled eyes.

"No, Eddie, you don't understand. I can't let you do that. I can't. Knowing the risk, it's easy for me to let go of myself, but you? Not ever. It's bad enough that you got high a couple of months ago. This stuff, there's no going back." Richie ran a hand through his hair before covering his face with a groan.

"You matter the same amount that I matter!" Eddie insisted, sitting up with a frown. Richie moved towards the bed and sat down on the edge so Eddie could climb into his lap, legs curling around his waist. The brunette looked down at him with sad eyes and a slight pout.

"Yeah? Sometimes it doesn't feel that way. It's not your fault, not anyone else's fault, I just sometimes feel like less than the rest of you. Like I have to prove myself by jumping off the quarry, or winning a fight at school.." He hesitated, averting his eyes, and Eddie's heart sank.

"Or going back to a scary house to get my crush's backpack."

Eddie hugged him fiercely, pressing their cheeks together, soft skin against soft skin and keeping them there.

"Maybe it's time to talk about it."

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