Fuck You

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"You won't mind if I wait with you, right?" Stan sat down beside Bill on the curb outside his house. Bill glanced at him and smiled warmly, shaking his head. Though his partner's smile was genuine, Stan couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at his silence. Bill had barely spoken all day. School had always been a tough place for him, what with his stutter, but Stan loved his voice.

"Thanks." They were waiting for Georgie's bus to get back. He had gone into the seventh grade this year, and was riding the bus on his own. He would be turning thirteen on September 18th, not too long from the current date. It was only September 16th, two more days to go. School had started on a Friday that year.

"St - St - Stan, d - do you th - th - th - think his d - day went well?" Bill asked quietly. He didn't say it out loud, but Stanley knew what he was thinking. Had the other kids made fun of him? Georgie had been the most well-known child to be taken, and everyone in Derry had heard about it. His arm was still not quite right, and he didn't like to move it very much, because it was uncomfortable. He had been teaching himself to use his left hand almost exclusively, and Stan had helped. He had been coming along quite nicely.

"I don't know, Bill, but I have a feeling you'll be able to ask him in a minute." For Georgie Denbrough, dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt that covered his bruised and rather dully colored arm, was trudging down the street from the bus stop with his backpack hanging off the shoulder he didn't want to lift, and his head low.

Georgie picked up his pace and ran right by them, into the house and slamming the door. By the time the two boys had gotten inside, he was already locking himself in his room.

"I guess that's your answer," Stan mumbled, grabbing Bill's hand and leading him back downstairs. There was a ding from the kitchen, and Bill now took the lead, grabbing his phone. He unlocked it, and his grip suddenly tightened. Stan grabbed the boy's phone and looked for himself, stomach dropping as he read the post.


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s.s.georgie: Fuck you all. I'm not a freak because someone dislocated my fucking arm. I'm not a cripple. I'm not stupid for being taken advantage of by a grown man. Grow up.


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