A Long Time

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"Are you gonna tell me what it was that was bothering you now?" Richie was following Eddie around the halls. Okay, so it was technically the end of the day, but didn't he have other places to be?

The answer was no. He didn't.

Eddie sighed, adjusting his sleeves and averting his eyes. He headed towards the exit of the building, ignoring the few strange looks he got from people and just pressing forward.

"I'm just afraid people will make fun of me if I get glasses." It was only a partial lie. That wasn't what was necessarily bothering him the most, but it bothered him a little bit.

"No you aren't. If you were worried that much about that then you would have been complaining in the summer leading up to today and today is the first time I've ever heard of that." Richie slipped his hand underneath Eddie's sleeve and linked their fingers together, breathing in the fresh air as they exited the building. Richie was driving.

Eddie fidgeted absently with his sleeve, frowning. He still thought his hands were too small. They got in the car and the ride home was silent, but Richie kept glancing at him off and on. Eddie actually kind of wished Richie would turn in the radio he loved so much and play one of his favorite songs, but he didn't. They got to Richie's house and all was silent, as usual.

By the time they were all the way inside and it Richie's room, Eddie was spun around and pressed against the door, a mouth hovering over his own.

"D'you think my hands are too small for yours, Rich?" Eddie asked softly, running his tiny hands up and down Richie's back, tugging the curls at the base of his neck with a small smirk. Richie sighed, leaning his head forwards so the tugs would be sharper.

"'Course not, Eds. I think your hands are the perfect size. If anything, mine are too big." Richie gripped Eddie's waist, tilting his head and grazing his lips over the other's jawline.

"That's ridiculous, 'Chee," Eddie scoffed. "Your hands can't be too big, you just have really long fingers." Being the teenager that he is, Richie laughed rather inappropriately at that, and Eddie shut him up by getting a firmer grip on the back of his head and slotting their lips together fully.

Their mouths worked together in sync, and seconds later Eddie found himself getting lifted up. Richie placed his hands under Eddie's ass since they didn't have anywhere else to go as Eddie wrapped his legs around his waist. Richie walked back over to his bed, sitting down, and Eddie shifted his legs so he was sitting more fully and comfortably in his boyfriend's lap.

His smirked, his teeth closing around Richie's lower lip as he drew it back teasingly then let it go, recapturing them in another kiss. Richie opened his mouth for Eddie immediately after that and the brunette, enjoying his precious few minutes of dominance, ravaged the bespectacled boy's mouth with his tongue. The glasses were beginning to mash against his face uncomfortably, Eddie could tell, so he took them off and tossed them further down the bed before pushing Richie back so he was laying down with his legs dangling off the edge.

"You're beautiful," Richie mumbled, and Eddie gave him another quick peck before swooping down and attacking his neck. There was a breathy gasp from Richie as Eddie trailed kisses down his neck faster than he even knew he was able to, and yet each one felt like it lasted a year. Then Eddie was moving back up, and when he found the spot that made Richie shudder, he paused, lips curling up into a smirk.

"Oh, you little shi- ahh.." Richie's curse was interrupted by a soft groan as Eddie bit down on the sensitive part of his neck, causing the boy beneath him to tilt his head in the other direction, giving him all the access he wanted to bite, suck, repeat, his tongue leaving a trail of saliva in its wake as he devoured his boyfriend's neck. Every mark he left coaxed a little noise out of the boy beneath him, even if it was just a little sigh.

"You're gonna pay for that," Richie mumbled once Eddie's arms were too tired to hold himself up anymore and he collapsed next to the boy. Eddie giggled, using his sleeve to clear Richie's neck of spit, and admired his work. Three marks were beginning to form, two on one side and one on the other. Two of them were closer to the shoulder, so if he wore a collared shirt then they would be mostly covered, but one was smack-dab in the middle of his neck.

"I'm sure I am," Eddie smiled, snuggling against his boyfriend's side and closing his eyes. Warmth enveloped him as Richie turned and hugged him, wrapping him up in a soft embrace.

Then they stayed that way, for a long time.

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