So Magical

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Richie didn't talk to anyone but Bev for the rest of the day. He took numerous 'smoke breaks' with her every time they stopped. Eddie was starting to get anxious about the trip, but he didn't want to say anything out of fear that it would make everything worse than it already was.

He curled up in his corner of the rather large booth that all of the Losers were sharing, pretending to read his menu with his knees drawn up to his chest. He really wasn't hungry enough to eat anything, and his stomach was feeling mildly upset with him after being in a cramped, moving car for twelve hours already. He had asked for ginger ale to soothe himself and decided to see how he was feeling when the others finished their appetizers. He sipped his drink slowly, starting down at the words on the laminated page.

The only thing that stood out to him that seemed light enough was a salad. If he was feeling up to it, he told himself, that was what he would get. After all, if he got hungry again later on they had an overload of snacks in the car that he could pick from. Richie slid back into the booth at the very end, way far across from Eddie, who tightened his grip around his knees and looked away with a slight frown. Bev waited patiently for Mike to leave the booth, but to Eddie's surprise, she had Ben move too so she could sit next to him. Bev settled herself beside Eddie, smiling at him softly. The brunette just stared at her for a minute, before allowing a small smile in return. Everyone settled back down, and the appetizers were brought back, but Eddie didn't take anything.

"He's alright, you know. Just upset." Bev was leaning over and murmuring in Eddie's ear. He sighed, taking another sip of his ginger ale. It was almost halfway gone. Halfway full, he reminded himself. Not halfway empty. "He's petty, but he'll get over it. We're almost out of cigarettes anyway, and I'm not going to let him buy any more." Eddie nodded, though he couldn't keep the uncertainty out of his expression. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and he let his head rest against hers while he waited for the waitress to come back and take their orders.

When she did, her gaze settled on the newcomers, specifically Richie, and widened a little bit. A smile very different from the friendly one that had been on her face earlier stretched her bright red lips. She had a different look in her eyes too as she shuffled closer to the curly-haired boy and asked him specifically if he'd like anything. Eddie felt kind of weird watching the exchange. He had never been on this end of the playing field. Usually Eddie was the one getting hit on in front of Richie.

"Can I get you somethin' to drink?" The girl drawled, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Everyone went silent and watched the exchange with big eyes. A few of the losers cast a sidelong glance at Eddie, but every single one of them seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Richie glanced up at the waitress, seemingly surprised at how close she was standing to him. He leaned away a little bit and looked down at the drink selection. He too, his time, scanning the options at least five times before looking back up at her again. Eddie felt the weird feeling grow a bit stronger as she leaned closer, her smile growing wider.

"I'll have a coke, please." Richie raised an eyebrow, watching as she wrote it down with that sickeningly sweet smile and barely spared Bev a glance as she asked for her order as well. Bev politely requested a coke for herself as well, and the girl finally straightened up, though not without a wink at Richie. Her hips seemed to sway more than necessary as she walked away, too.

The second she was out of earshot everyone exploded into conversation about how she had acted once she saw Richie, who rolled his eyes.

"Man, who knew Richie could get some without even trying? Didn't he used to beg girls to give him a chance back in Middle School?" Mike was obviously trying to lighten the mood, but Richie didn't respond. He was looking at his menu rather quietly. It just made Eddie feel worse. He drank more of his soda in an attempt to calm his stomach, and it helped, bringing the uncomfortable churning down a little bit. He sighed softly, pulling out his phone and seeing two missed calls from his mother, which was strange. He deleted the notifications and shut his phone off again, tracing the E and R on the case Richie had given him when he first got out of the sewers.

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