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eds.the.spagheds: see that guy sitting alone on the bench awkwardly stroking his chin? I relate to that on a spiritual level. I literally have no idea how I even acquired friends.


billy_goat_gruff: it was all me. youre welcome.

trashmouth_tozier: u may b awkward but like... at least ur cute in the process

eds.the.spagheds: @trashmouth_tozier shut up omg @billy_goat_gruff yeah yeah thanks :) Can we meet up so I can apologize in person?

billy_goat_gruff: sure thing, just dm me so we can set a time and place

trashmouth_tozier: um excuse me

eds.the.spagheds: Shut up, Richie, you aren't invited @trashmouth_tozier HEHEHEHEHEHE

billy_goat_gruff: shut up neither are you What the fuck just happened

trashmouth_tozier: they are cheating that's what

eds.the.spagheds: @trashmouth_tozier we literally aren't but ok

billy_goat_gruff: ^^^ They totally are. DM me, side hubby. We need to discuss this further. @trashmouth_tozier

eds.the.spagheds: wow

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