Cuddle Puddle

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A/N: Dont mind me, casually switching the part four divider further and further back.. The tables turned earlier and I decided I needed to organize myself. Here I sit in 78 degree weather with a fluffy bathrobe on blasting music and drinking Pepsi while I write my shitty fanfiction.. God, I took a stroll down memory lane and ready my Suicide Squad one from like three years ago and it has over 3,000 readers on fucking Quotev, that's my most popular story on that website. ANYWAY SORRY I really need to make a spam book for this shit. Enjoy lol

Eddie sat in a small huddle with his friends, and everything around him was screaming comfort. Leaning against Richie's chest, Bev laying against his knees, his hand playing with Ben's constantly soft hair, Bill and Stan leaning on either side of him with their hands intertwined in his lap and Mike playing with his hair from beside Richie. The lights were low, but not off completely and they were all sitting in a blanket fort with the television on and snacks all around them. Georgie had wandered downstairs to join them at some point- probably when he heard the Star Wars theme playing. He was sitting on Bill's lap eating popcorn, and he had taken Eddie's free hand once the movie started.

It was one big puddle of cuddles. Everything was perfect. Now Tangled was on, and everyone started singing along to the soundtrack like the immature children they were. Eddie started it.

"Seven A.M., the usual morning line up!" He shouted suddenly as the princess started twirling across the screen. "Start in the chores, and sweep 'till the floor's all clean!" There were a few giggles and everyone started joining up until the whole group was singing the lyrics together.

"And then I'll read a book, or maybe two, or three! I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery!" Eddie laughed, letting his head fall back against Richie's chest. When the song ended there was a chorus of laughter from the whole group. Their cuddle pile seemed to merge even closer together.

"You guys are such dorks," Georgie stated blankly. Eddie gasped dramatically.

"Do you want to fight me?" He demanded, and Georgie looked over with raised eyebrows and a big smile.

"Let's go, Big Boy. Square up, bitch." Everyone gasped at the young boy's language and suddenly the movie was completely forgotten. Bev was the loudest out of anyone, sitting up and turning around to stare at the kid with huge eyes.

"No, Georgie! Stay little! Stay young! There will be no such language in this house!" She grasped Georgie's free hand in her own and nodded very slowly. "See these tiny hands? They are the hands of the innocent." Georgie snorted with laughter, and she gaped at him. "They are!"

"Whatever you say, Bevvie." There was an outburst of hushed whispers and everyone looked at Georgie with dramatically shocked expressions. The young boy's cheeks became pink, and he averted his eyes. "I can swear if I want to! It's not a big deal."

"Oh, Richie.. They grow up so fast.." Eddie pretended to sniffle as if he were crying, and Richie's arms tightened around his waist.

"I know, Spaghetti. It'll be okay. He'll realize how much he needs us and he'll come crawling back." He chuckled, and Georgie scoffed. Everyone turned their attention back to the movie. Eddie sighed softly. They had originally set up this sleepover to talk about the road trip, but obviously that wasn't happening any time soon. Somehow Richie had convinced them that the only real way to discuss a vacation was to make sure they were comfortable while they did it, and one thing led to another which resulted in the best fort they had ever constructed. Ben was behind the architecture, but Bill and Mike were the brawn of the project, because lifting blankets and pillows and chairs took a lot of work. Bev and Eddie got the snacks while Stanley actually started calculating the costs of the trip.

Richie was just dictating everything that happened. Eddie was tempted to tell him off for letting everyone else do the work, but he looked really proud of himself, and the smile on his face was enough for Eddie. Then while everyone was busy he had put on a movie and sat down inside the fort so when Beverly came back with the snacks, her attention was immediately snagged. Eddie was dragged into the position he was in now, and he decided not to complain, especially not as everyone else started to join them, surrounding him with warmth and comfort. He was the center of gravity in a planet made up of his friends.

"Alllll those daaaaays, watching from a window," he sang quietly, closing his eyes. Ben and Georgie were snoring. Bill had fallen across Eddie's body and his head was resting in Stan's lap while Georgie was cuddled into his side. Stanley had his head on Eddie's shoulder, but he wasn't quite asleep. Bev had slid off of Eddie's knees and was using Ben as a pillow. Mike had tapped out after his fifth soda, which was full of caffeine, and yet he somehow fell asleep. Eddie let go of Georgie's hand and removed his own from Ben's hair, grasping Richie's. The wasn't sure if the boy was awake or not. He got his answer when their fingers were laced together and Richie squeezed his hands gently.

"And at last I see the light," Richie hummed softly in Eddie's ear. "And it's like the fog has lifted." Eddie smiled, tilting his head backwards. Richie lifted one hand and grasped Eddie's chin, turning his head so he could place a kiss on his nose.

"Stop singing, you're gonna wake people up," Stan grumbled. Eddie couldn't help but laugh, sliding an arm around Stan's shoulders and settling back against Richie. The movie clicked off eventually, but the numerous mini paper lanterns they had purchased at the dollar store kept a gentle light in the room. It warmed Eddie's heart a little, but not as much as the hushed whispers of 'I love you' in his ear just before he fell asleep.

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