The Problem

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Rip boring chapter for y'all but I felt bad for going a day with like. Nothing. So I guess here. 😂😂

Eddie had a problem, and it wasn't an unusual one. In fact, it was the most expected and overused problem in the history of high school love stories.

There was another boy.

Now, Eddie was not to be doubted. He had zero intention of leaving Richie, or even thinking about being with anyone else. That was exactly why it was so frustrating to have a boy from two grades below him following him around like a lost puppy.

It started off with just casual greetings when they happened to pass each other in the hallways. Then it was October, and the Photography Club was starting up, so Richie convinced Eddie to join with him, which led to a certain someone conveniently joining the club as well. Then Parker would actually stop Eddie in the hallways just to have a conversation with him, almost always grabbing his attention by placing a hand on his shoulder, arm, or anywhere else he could reach (within the generally appropriate areas, of course). Sometimes the kid would even offer him a free ice cream just so he didn't have to 'work a shift all alone again'.

The brunette hated to admit it, but it was getting rather annoying. But at the same time, he felt like it was a really good way to test how far Richie would really go to keep him from being stolen away by some sophomore. So Eddie initiated his plan. He hadn't told anyone because to be quite honest, none of his friends were good at keeping a secret.

Eddie walked with a light bounce in his step, side by side with Richie as the final bell rang and they exited their class. It was Tuesday, which meant that they had Photography after school today, and Eddie was going to test the waters on his private observation/experiment.

He squeezed Richie's hand a bit and considered the way his boyfriend had reacted that day at the quarry when he had given him less attention. Then he considered how Richie had reacted when Parker had grabbed his hand on the playground and his knees grew wobbly and he had to push the thought away so that Richie didn't notice how flustered it made him feel.

They walked into a rather busy classroom, filled with around fifteen kids so far. Richie tugged Eddie towards the middle-ish area because Eddie liked the front and Richie liked the back so they usually compromised in the classes they shared. Upon giving the room a once over, Eddie could not see Parker yet, but kids were still trickling in and taking seats around the room.

"I still can't believe that kid joined this club just because you did." Richie was already complaining and the sophomore hadn't even arrived yet. Eddie chuckled, tugging Richie's hands closer and playing with his fingers gently. Richie watched with a fond smile, his gaze trailing off to over Eddie's shoulder and resting on someone behind him.

A hand rested firmly on Eddie's shoulder, and he glanced around, dropping Richie's hands in slight surprise as he saw Parker much closer than he had expected. The boy was bending down so that they were face to face, and he was smiling brightly. Eddie took a minute to recover from the initial shock before smiling back and leaning away to put some space between their faces. He may be teasing Richie, but he had a limit to personal space when it came to shit like this.

"Hey, Eds," Parker greeted him fondly. Eddie's face contorted slightly and he forced a smile even though he knew it looked painful. That was another thing lately. Parker seemed to think that because Richie called him that, everyone called him that, and when Eddie had asked him not to, he used the excuse that Richie did, so he didn't see why he shouldn't be allowed to.

"It's only fair," the boy had insisted. Now Eddie just looked at him with slight distaste and wondered why he had even considered playing along as he turned back towards Richie, who had a look of absolute loathing in his eyes as he glared at Parker. Then he remembered how Richie had acted at the playground and his heart sped up a little bit.

"So how was your day, Parker?" Eddie asked politely, ignoring Richie's horrified look as Parker shifted his desk closer so that it was connected to Eddie's. The brunette inwardly cringed at the way that Parker's knees brushed against his, especially since he was wearing shorts despite the cold weather so he could feel the material of the boy's pants against his skin.

"It's been okay. Not too much homework tonight, so that's a good thing. Plus, now I get to see you, so it's even better!" He grinned, and was bold enough to wink. He actually winked. Eddie's smile was much realer this time as he tried desperately to hold back his laughter. It took everything he had, especially as he could hear the oh-so-subtle screech of the legs of Richie's desk against the floor as he tried to get closer.

"I'm glad I could put a smile on your face," Eddie replied. Parker's eyes lit up, and anticipation flared in Eddie's chest.

"You know what would make me smile even more? After the club is over, I've gotta run to my shift. I'll buy you an ice cream if you'll just come hang out for like an hour. I'll even give you a ride! What do you say?" His voice was full of hope, and Eddie would hate to squash his dreams, but this really hadn't been part of his plan and he honestly didn't want to go very much. He sighed, glancing back at Richie who tried to shake his head discreetly but just ended up being obvious.

"I'd love to, but I have a lot of homework... Plus, I've already eaten enough ice cream lately." Eddie felt terrible, but the flash of indignation in Parker's eyes caught him by surprise.

"Really? Because it looks to me like you haven't been eating enough." He gave Eddie a once-over, and his comment caused Eddie's jaw to drop. He clenched his hands into fists, biting his lip roughly and absolutely hating the way that Parker's eyes zeroed in on the action.

He could vaguely feel Richie's warm hands on his waist as he was pulled back against his boyfriend's chest, but he wasn't really paying attention. Was he really still that skinny? It had been almost two months. He should have put on some weight by now, right? He looked down at his torso and lifted a hand to do the rib test, but Richie caught it before he could even try.

"Come on, Eds. We're leaving early today. There's always next week." Richie pulled Eddie to his feet, and the brunette shot a filthy look in Parker's direction as he was pulled away by his knight in shining armor. Richie led him outside and they began their walk together, hand in hand. Richie stopped him just outside the school, turning him around so that he was pressed against the tree in the parking lot.

"Listen, Eddie, I just want you to know that what he said is not true. You look great, alright? Every day you look healthier and healthier. It doesn't matter what he thinks, anyways, you hear me?"

Eddie averted his eyes, but Richie grabbed his chin and forced him to look. Richie's eyebrows raised and Eddie couldn't help but smile as he received a warm and soft peck on the tip of his nose. It always helped.

"I love you." Richie wrapped his free arm around Eddie's waist, letting go of his chin and cupping his cheek. Eddie leaned in to his touch, sighing softly.

"Yeah, I love you, too."

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