Alright, I Understand

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Stan: Eddie

Stan: I need to talk to you

Stan: It's about Richie

Stan: You're gonna want to hear this.

Stan: Alright, fine, I'll just say it then. You don't have to reply anyway.

Stan: Before he disappeared, Richie texted me and he seemed really nervous. It was only a few hours before he made the post. He was asking all these really weird questions about how I knew I liked Bill, and stuff like that.

Stan: Eddie, do you like Richie? Because I get that you're best friends but sometimes I see you looking at him and it's like you're seeing him for the first time all over again.

Stan: Sometimes he does it, too. There could be a hot girl in the room, and he looks at you like you're the only person in the world worth looking at.

Stan: Alright, I understand if you don't want to talk about it.

Stan: I only ask because after I answered, he told me why he was so curious. He said he thought he liked a boy, and I think he's in love, Eddie. I really do. He asked if I would do anything for Bill, even if it was dangerous, and I said that I would because I LOVED him.

Stan: And you know what happened a few hours later? He went and did something stupidly dangerous. For a boy. A boy he treats like royalty. A boy he loves.

Stan: So you see, Eddie, it's my fault that Richie went to get the backpack alone. If I hadn't told him that I'd do anything for Bill, if I had really thought about it, then he would still be here.

Stan: So for that, I'm sorry.

Read, 3:54 P.M.

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