High Off His Ass

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eds.the.spagheds: i found it in the drawemsguys and like it want that badd just not  hit tgoof teigher    .


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Eddie was high off his ass.

He had just been planning on visiting Richie's bedroom for an hour or two, but Mrs. Tozier had told him rather fully that she didn't care if he stayed forever, since it wouldn't be the same without Richie anyway. That was how Eddie found himself learning how to smoke the weed he found stashed under his best friend's mattress.

He wasn't worried about Richie's parents telling anyone. Maggie was drunk beyond belief, and Wentworth was on a business trip. At one point, Eddie had the brief idea that perhaps Mrs. T would like to join him, and he almost went down to offer, but then he heard a loud thud and a few snores and decided it might be best to just stay where he was.

The brunette was currently buried in his missing friend's blankets, laying on his back and examining the joint sticking out from between his fingertips. He had absolutely no idea how it had gotten there, but he figured that it was a relaxing feeling, and at the moment, he didn't really care why he had it. He just wanted to take another drag. So he did, and instead of tightening up like an asthmatic chest should, his breath almost became clearer while his mind was foggier.

He vaguely remembered making a post on Instagram about his whereabouts and he wondered if his friends would come to hang out. When he opened his phone, Eddie realized with a start that he had misinformed his peers on where he found the dope. It hadn't been in the drawers, he told himself. It was under the mattress.

Now Eddie crushed the end of his smoke out and rolled over, pulling Richie's blankets up over his head. He didn't want to see anyone. He just wanted to smell Richie. Maybe the boy would come back and lay with him, and they could laugh it off. Richie would have Eddie's backpack, and they'd store the memory away and just spend their lives together. The brightness of his phone's screen made Eddie's Head pound, but he started making another post anyway.


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eds.the.spagheds: heey chee remember the time . when yuo wre reading an i too, a picture?? we should do it again. I miss you. I miss when you held my hand cause I was scared, or cold. I miss when you would ruffle my hair and call me nicknames like Eds and Spaghetti Head. I told you I hated it but I really loved it. I miss when you would kiss the tip of my nose like youve done ever since we were little kids. I miss when Id see you and get to just run up and hug you as tightly as possible and then youd say something dumb but adorable that would make me laugh. I miss when I could feel how unbelievably warm you always were, because honestly, Rich, you were so goddamn warm. I miss being able to ask something personal or ask something deep just because I knew you would say something really meaningful back. Its selfish, but I miss hearing you tell me how much I meant to you, because even though I never said anything like that back, it still meant the world to me. But youre gone, and I cant tell yo

There was no space left for him to type anymore. Grinning like an idiot and not that bothered by his delay, Eddie just hit post without really thinking about it. His mind had been briefly cleared while writing the post, but he didn't really bother to look back and read it over. He knew he had said what he wanted to say.

Eddie sighed heavily and allowed his eyes to flutter shut. He decided that was enough for one day and almost instantly fell asleep. In doing so, he missed the messages that were to light up his phone screen later that night while his mother wondered where he was and his friends tried to contact him desperately without much luck.

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