What Do You Wanna Know?

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To say that Georgie was excited would be an extreme understatement.

Georgie was absolutely ecstatic, he was over the moon, he was whatever the most excited someone could possibly be was and then some. He had packed his bags as soon as he got home, and he had to admit, Bill was pretty accurate in commenting that he looked ready to go on vacation.

He was bringing everything. He was bringing his DS because he knew Richie still had one and sometimes they liked to secretly play Animal Crossing. It was on,y a secret because it was technically a kid's game and neither of them wanted anyone to know how much they liked it. He was bringing his paper and colored pencils so they could draw. He was bringing his iPad so they could play multiplayer games that they didn't have on Richie's Xbox or PlayStation. He was bringing his laptop so they could play computer games. By the time he packed all of that he barely had room for his clothes, since his bag was a little small. But he managed, even having a little extra space to shove his own favorite console games that he wasn't sure Richie owned.

"Mom, Mom, Eddie and Richie said I could go over now! Can you drive me, pleeeeeease?" Georgie jumped up and down in front of his mother, trying to take her attention off of her piano and get her on her feet. She looked up with a bright smile and shook her head, amusement sparkling in her eyes.

"That depends. Did you remember to pack your toothbrush?" Georgie nodded, shifting his feet impatiently. "What about your hairbrush?" When Georgie nodded again, she furrowed her brow, thinking for a moment. "What about your pain medication?" Mouth falling open into a soft 'o' shape, Georgie shook his head and took off once more, hearing her gentle and melodic laugh drift through the hallway. He grabbed the pills off of the bathroom counter, silently cursing himself for forgetting something to important, before dashing to the front door.

"Okay, Mom, let's go!" He shouted, hurrying to the car. He pulled on the handle and threw his head back with a long groan when he found that it was locked. The house was silent, and his mother sure seemed to be taking her sweetass time. Georgie scowled, pulling impatiently on the handle repeatedly just like every child did while waiting for the door to make that beautiful clicking noise that meant it was free to be opened.

"Hurry up!" He shouted. Seconds later, someone came outside, but it wasn't his mother. It was Bill, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he clicked a button on the keys and Georgie finally threw the door opened, tossing his bag in the back and buckling his seatbelt.

"S - S - Suh - Someone's excited," Bill remarked, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. Georgie nodded vigorously, leaning forward in his seat as if it would get them there faster. Bill didn't pester him about forgetting anything like his mother would have. He just turned on Georgie's favorite radio station and gave him a hug before helping him bring his stuff to the door.

"H - Hey, guys. T - T - Take care of m - my little brother, okay?" Bill smirked as the two teens opened the door and Georgie pushed past them impatiently, leaving them to their conversation. He put his bag down neatly next to the couch and kicked off his shoes, placing them side by side next to his bag. Then he flopped down on the couch and curled a nearby blanket around himself, snuggling into the cushions.

"Now, where did he go?" Eddie's voice drifted into his ears, and Georgie fought back a smile, sitting up.

"I'm not six anymore, Eddie, I don't play the invisible game anymore. I'm almost thirteen!" Eddie was standing before him with a big smile and his hands on his hips. Georgie got up and moved his arms gently around his older friend, nuzzling his face in Eddie's chest. He was almost as tall as him now, even though there were nearly five years between them.

"So, Georgie... How has school been?" Eddie led the kid back to the couch, and Georgie snuggled up beside him, wrapping his left arm around Eddie's neck and resting his head on the teen's shoulder.

"It's been okay, I guess... Since I started using my arm more people have started to forget about what happened. None of my friends are really the same, though.. They kinda got used to me not being around." There was a pang of sadness in his chest, but he pushed in away in favor of enjoying his time with his best friend.

"Well, I'll always make time for you, okay?" Eddie lowered his voice with raised eyebrows and a mischievous smile. "Even if it means cancelling date night!" Georgie giggled, and suddenly a new voice sounded from behind them.

"I heard that!" Richie came parading in with bowls and big bags of chips as well as an entire pack of soda. "Listen, Kiddo, I ordered pizza so don't go crazy yet. It should be here in a half hour." Georgie nodded vigorously, untangling himself from Eddie, who whined and reached out for him as he scrambled away. Ignoring the brunette, Georgie leaped up into Richie's arms the second he had put down all of his food. The teen grunted, trying his best to hoist Georgie up with his skinny arms.

"Dude, you're like, thirteen, I can't carry you anymore." Richie laughed, throwing him back on the couch where Eddie pounced on him, curling himself around the younger child.

"Mine!" Eddie hissed at Richie, coaxing another fit of giggles out of Georgie. Richie just pouted, staring at Eddie with puppy dog eyes.

"But Eds... Can't I be yours, too? I want cuddles! You can't ignore me all night.." When Eddie didn't budge, Richie grumbled something under his breath that Georgie didn't quite catch as he poured the chips into the bowls and opened a soda.

"Oh, get over yourself, he's twelve! Don't be such a baby." Eddie stuck his tongue out at Richie, who just made a face back. Georgie watched with amused eyes and a bubbling excitement as Richie passed him the soda and opened another for himself. Eddie got up and pushed his boyfriend aside, grabbing his own drink and picking up the bowl of plain potato chips

He nestled himself in the spot on the couch where the cushions met so that he sank down between them a little bit, and Georgie draped a blanket around the both of them then grabbed a handful of chips while Richie turned on the television.

"So, I heard the gist of your conversation from outside, but I still have a question." Richie fell back into the couch, and Georgie noticed with a small smile that he was still being petty in his choice to sit all the way on the other side.

"What do you wanna know, Richie?" Georgie peered around Eddie, smirking as he purposefully hung off of the boy just to spite his other friend. Richie just rolled his eyes as he channel surfed, looking through what was on.

"Anyone you've got you eye on?" Georgie nearly choked on air, and began coughing. His face was bright red, and judging by the triumphant look on Richie's face, the teen was quite proud of himself.

"So there is someone?" Richie demanded, earning a harsh glare from Georgie and a shush from his boyfriend. Richie just pouted from the other end of the couch. Georgie could tell that Eddie was getting antsy by the way he was looking anywhere but his boyfriend, yet was leaning in his direction. The younger boy grinned, climbing off of the brunette. Eddie glanced at Richie, who was too focused on Georgie at this point to notice his partner's gaze.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Georgie replied, snatching the remote to the television. "We're watching Star Wars." He clicked on one of the Star Wars movies at random in Richie's virtual library, and everyone started to settle down as the beginning credits rolled. It didn't take long for Eddie to find his way over to his boyfriend, even if it meant stretching all the way out across the couch to that Georgie remained by his feet and his head rested in Richie's lap.

"You're stupid," he grumbled upon reaching the bespectacled boy. Richie just laughed, burying his fingers in the brunette's curls. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the tip of Eddie's nose.

"I love you, too."

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