Sexy Is Better Than Hot

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"Are you kidding me? You'd leave me for that whiny bitch?" Richie gestured at the screen, ignoring the way Eddie laughed heartily even though it made his stomach do flips.

"Um, yes, of course I would leave you for him. He's Daniel LaRusso, who wouldn't want to be with him? I don't care if he's whiny, I would just tell him to shut up, and if he didn't? Well, I have other methods." Eddie shrugged, amusement sparking in his eyes as Richie gaped at him with his mouth hanging wide opened.

"You're kidding. You know he was like, twenty two when they were filming that, right?" He pulled out his phone, looking it up just to be sure. "Yeah, he was twenty two. You're not even eighteen yet. That's like, extremely illegal."

"Hey, I'm talking about Daniel LaRusso. Not Ralph Macchio, even though he's hot too. But Daniel turns seventeen there in the first one! He's perfect." Eddie scooted closer to the screen, staring up at the character with wide eyes. They were watching the new show, Cobra Kai. "Anyway, don't worry about Daniel anymore. He's old in this one. Hot, but old."

"Yeah, damn right he's old. God. Now I have to compete with actors?" Richie threw his hands up in the air, causing Eddie to laugh sharply. "I mean, what's next? I'd better be your favorite actor once I make it big."

"I dunno, 'Chee. Miguel is pretty cute. Maybe I like him now."

"Oh, wow, okay. Go ahead, like all of the tan and muscular pretty boys on television. It's not like you already have me or anything!" He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, earning an eyeroll from his boyfriend, who remained focused on the screen.

"You have to admit that Daniel is hot. I mean, look at the originals. His legs were really long and smooth.. I wish there had been a shirtless scene." Eddie sighed wistfully, paying no mind to the absolute freak out that was occurring a few feet to his right. "I'm serious. You have to admit it. He's funny, he's hot, and I love him."

Richie folded his arms over his chest, leaning back against his wall with a slight pout. After a few minutes of being ignored in favor of Miguel and Daniel he pulled out his phone and scrolled through Instagram, cringing at all of the spam posts from other kids at school that were ineffectively indirecting other people.

He had forced Eddie to stay the night after hearing of exactly what happened. He was pissed, to say the least. If Bella hadn't been there to lead him around back then Eddie could have been in a very similar situation to the one Richie had been in just months previously. The thought alone made his blood boil.

"You aren't really upset, are you?" Before Richie could even register what was happening, there was a weight on his lap and Eddie's face was right up in front of his own. "I wouldn't really leave you for Daniel or Miguel. They're hot, but I've already got you, and you're sexy. Sexy is better than hot." Richie felt his face heat up slightly, and wondered why he was being so flustered. He always had a smart remark, and he never blushed. Why was Eddie able to have such an effect on him? Damn it. It must be the glasses.

"Damn. I was really hoping I'd get to try out my method for getting people to shut up.." Eddie pouted, tracking his fingertips along Richie's collarbone and making the teen shiver. He decided his boyfriend should grow his nails out more often, because with his petite hands and relatively long nails, a featherlight touch sent a pleasant shiver all the way throughout his entire body.

"Does it really require me to be talking?" Richie finally forced out as Eddie tilted his head backwards, tugging gently on the curls at the back of his head and sending a pleasurable jolt up his spine. The brunette smirked, biting his lip and leaning closer like the little fucker he was.

"It's more fun that way." Richie pretended to pout, and his boyfriend tilted his head so that their lips just barely grazed against each other's. "But I suppose I can make an exception." With that, he slid their mouths together fully in the slowest, and yet absolutely dirtiest kiss Richie had ever experienced in his life. Eddie had pried his mouth opened almost immediately, sliding their tongues together slowly and sucking harshly on his lip. All Richie could do was make sure he was at least pressing back against him, his arms falling around the brunette's waist as his mouth was completely dominated.

"What's the matter, Rich? Overwhelmed?" Eddie bit down on his lip and drew it back, letting go and trailing a fiery path of kisses along his jawline. Richie let out a soft groan when he reached a specific spot on his neck and tilted his head.

Eddie began pulling moans out of Richie like it was child's play, sucking mark after mark out of the teenager's neck and pulling his hair just the right way to leave him begging for more. Then all at once, he stopped, and scrambled away too ace the television once more.

As predicted, Richie was left speechless and spluttering. His jaw hung loose as he turned to stare at Eddie, who simply smirked, staring at the screen intently.

"Oh, look, it's Daniel. I wonder if he would have liked my technique."

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