Where It Would End

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billy_goat_gruff: If you've seen him please call

Tagged: @s.s.georgie


old.macdonald: well find him, bill. i know we will

beverly_hills: i promise we won't ever stop looking. we're gonna find him!

eds.the.spagheds: i already have plans to look again so don't worry if you get tired ill keep looking for you

stan.the.man: @eds.the.spagheds Was that Richie typing? Either way, me too.

trashmouth_tozier: @stan.the.man that wasnt me, eds typed that on his own

billy_goat_gruff: @stan.the.man @eds.the.spagheds @old.macdonald @beverly_hills thanks guys

beverly_hills: @trashmouth_tozier are you sure eddie typed that? it looks an awful lot like how you type.

eds.the.spagheds: @beverly_hills @stan.the.man @trashmouth_tozier sorry, i typed it, im just really exhausted.

stan.the.man: Eddie, I think you should take a break from looking. When you said you were going to stay out later, I thought you meant like another hour or two. Not all night!

trashmouth_tozier: holy shit eddie what the fuck were you thinking? searching all fucking night? go the hell to sleep. now.

beverly_hills: holy shit guys rich busted out the punctuation this is serious business

eds.the.spagheds: i cant sleep i promised bill that id look again today. we gotta find georgiie, rich

hay.stack: someone go make sure he gets some sleep

stan.the.man: Richie...

beverly_hills: go help your hubby, Rich.

trashmouth_tozier: I'm on my way, Spaghetti.

hay.stack: oh shit capitalization AND punctuation

eds.the.spagheds: shhit


Eddie was beyond exhausted at this point. He could barely keep his eyes opened. His mother had locked him in his room the second he showed up on his doorstep at around 6:00 that morning. But he pressed on, packing himself a new bag. He had only eaten a few things in his previous bag, so he mostly replenished his waters by excusing himself to use the bathroom and refilling the bottles.

He knew he was screwed once Richie found out how long he had been running around that night. The boy was going to show up and there was nothing Eddie could do to stop him.

Then again, perhaps Eddie didn't want to stop the boy who was climbing through his window, sweeping him off his feet and tossing him gently down onto his heavenly soft mattress. Eddie sighed heavily, and for a minute, his head was too clouded with thoughts of sleep and Richie to even remember what he had been doing before the boy arrived in his room. Then he was tucked under the covers and an unbelievably warm body was sliding into the bed next to him and a pair of arms wrapped around his frame.

"You've gotta balance it all out, Spaghetti." Richie placed a kiss on the top of Eddie's nose, and the smaller boy finally let his eyes slide shut as he snuggled closer to his best friend, at ease for the first time since he had left his house the previous day. It was almost noon, which meant he had been awake for a whole twenty four hours.

"We'll take shifts, yeah? No more all nighters. There's plenty of daylight." Eddie wanted to protest, but Richie's voice was already lulling him off to sleep. He pushed his face further into Richie's chest, mumbling something even he didn't understand. It was just a garble of noises muffled by the covers.

"Go to sleep, Spaghetti. I'll still be here when you wake up. We can talk then." The moment those words left Richie's mouth, Eddie was out like a light. His breathing regulated and slowed down, and his entire body relaxed. Richie couldn't help but smile. What was going on in his head?

Richie knew he was in trouble with this one. He had never been unsure about something in his life, and right in that moment, he was very unsure. He knew that there was a closeness between him and Eddie that went beyond that of just best friends, but he wasn't sure he wanted to accept the fact that he liked it more now that he realized it was there. He wasn't ready to accept the fact that there was a possibility of wanting more.

So he settled for best friends, and that was where it would end.

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