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back.t.up: f4f?

Eddie: Listen, I dont know who the hell you are, but please stop asking me to follow you. I only follow my closest friends.

Read, 4:14 P.M.

back.t.up: i am your closest friend

Eddie: Okay, no. This stops here. Youre a fucking creepy weirdo and you need to leave me alone. This isnt funny.

Read, 6:28 P.M.

back.t.up: i cant talk

Eddie: You know what? Thats fine with me. Youre already taking hours to type out each message anyway, might as well just stop altogether. Its not like Im waiting to see what you have to say.

Read, 7:11 P.M.

back.t.up: too busy getting high? off of my weed, i might add

Eddie: That isnt funny. Cut it out. Its rude and absolutely unforgivable that you would ever pretend to be someone whos missing just to mess with me.

Read, 8:34 P.M.

back.t.up: dont come looking for me

Eddie: Listen, even if you were Richie, theres no way you still have a phone. If you were taken, the person who took you would take your phone. If you ran away, you wouldn't be texting me because the real Richie knows I would just convince him to come back. And most importantly, Richie talks way more. Theres no 'I cant talk now' crap from him, he texts when he wants to.

back.t.up: i need help

Eddie: Wow! You actually replied relatively quickly this time. Im surprised.

back.t.up: he's asleep now

Eddie: Youre creepy.

back.t.up: my hands r tied

Eddie: Sure they are.

back.t.up: they r!

Eddie: Mhm.

back.t.up: i cant take a pic cause flash

Eddie: Why does flash matter?

back.t.up: wake him

Eddie: This is ridiculous. Why am I even replying to you?

back.t.up: because ur my eds and u know who i am

Eddie: Shut up. Is this some kind of sick joke?

back.t.up: no, this is the part where u go

back.t.up: "omg rich is that rly u"

back.t.up: and i go

back.t.up: "the one and only"

Eddie: I dont believe you.

back.t.up: then y r u still here?

Eddie: Good point.

eds.the.spagheds has left the chat.

back.t.up: shit

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