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Oh my fucking-... How do I start this...

Okay, before you kill me for not updating my other stories often enough, this is my apology to those of you who actually read all of my stories (I kinda doubt there are any) so hear me out.

As some of you know, I procrastinate. It is my specialty. I am also a lazy son of a bitch.

BUT... but... I have something special for you. Especially to you yaoi fans. To you LegoLovers. To you LOTR fans.

For a long time now, I have been working on a story. It's not quite completed, but so far I have a LOT of chapters that range from 2,000 to 5,000 words and a couple being around 10,000.


Yes, among other things. See, guys? I don't just sit around when I get home from school everyday and get greasy from doing nothing. I mean... During the weekends, yeah, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

I never planned on publishing this. Never ever. It was purely suppose to be for my entertainment, and remember when I said I usually practice writing by making random stories (I probably haven't but now you know)? Yeah, this is one of those out of very many. And I might regret doing this since I did it out of the spur of the moment after digging around in my room and getting nostalgic and inspired and shit like that.

Yeah, and guess what? There's a "but".

The chapters... They were roughly made. As in, they need to be edited heavily. Y'know, make it realistic and to TRY to get the characters' personalities right. (WARNING: THEY STILL MIGHT BE OOC SO SORRY AHEAD OF TIME) Also, keep in mind that I've only watched the movies... And read a lot of fanfics so I'm getting info from that and researching lol.


I'm scared that he might be Marty Sue-ish, but... OH WELL. I'm trying to stick to what I have already with him. Although, I will add some more flaws to balance out with everything... Hopefully. Honestly, I have an obsession with dudes with unique hair and eye color. *cough* Juno *cough*. At least his hair isn't long. I'm more obsessed over dudes with long hair, hence why I love Legolas.

By the way, if you haven't figured it out yet, he's the guy on the thumbnail (it was hard to find a picture of Jupiter that I had in mind, so I ended up editing the colors of the picture).

Oh, and there will be a side pairing as well between Frodo and another OC, but I won't be really writing about their romance.

I won't say anything more, you'll see in the fanfic.


I am honestly not quite sure how long it will take for me to edit each chapter. I will have to revise and rewrite many things to help the plot stay in line, and make it a bit more, y'know, not too shitty. So... yeah. Don't expect super fast updates. Don't forget that it's not finished. I might even combine some chapters if they're too short for my liking.


This is basically the Fellowship falling into the modern world. As if no one else has done that. I swear, I always go for the cliches. But either way, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.



...Did I mention that this is yaoi? As in gay? The homo?

If you didn't see it in the summary - or completely disregarded it - or even ignored the fact that I mentioned it above... and you don't like the gay... Well... The 'Go Back' button is right there on the corner of your screen. It's right there. Just one click. It's not that hard. If you don't like it, don't read it. But don't worry, constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms. I am always ready to learn and improve my writing!

Um... Yep.

I apologize ahead of time if this fanfic sucks. Or if I get the characters' personalities and shit wrong.

Bye, I guess.


P.S. There may or may not be smut, though it will be published separately in case some people want to keep it Rated T ;)

- Queen Pommy

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now