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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter flicked the switch to turn on the lights and he nearly snorted when the elf jumped, looking around him in awe. He blindly gestured to a direction as he went to a coat hanger connected to the stone wall by the doorway, "Have a seat on the exam table." He had set it up while everyone was showering and was glad that he had a reason to use it now.

Legolas gave him a silent nod. He watched him for a moment as he pulled off his hoodie to reveal a regular shirt and took off a white lab coat from the hanger, replacing it's spot with the hoodie before putting the coat on. The elf quickly made his way to the table and sat on it reluctantly. His eyes darted around the room in fascination.

Lining the far right of the room were marble counters that were sparkling clean with strange mechanisms on it and a chair with wheels in front of it. Above it were cabinets that held unknown objects and a shelf below it lined with glass bottles shaped strangely. The other side of the room had many shelves and cabinets as well, though they were all not connected and were separated. He can see what was there, which were bottles of unknown substances with labels that had neat writing. At the very front were desks connected together with things that reminded him much of a smaller version of what Jupiter and Manny had called a 'TV'. The other machinery was extremely foreign to him and his eyes only lingered on it for a moment before it trailed over to a few papers scattered on the desk. The last thing that interested him was the large green rectangle pushed against the wall with white writing sloppily written on it and the two doors on either side of the room.

Jupiter returned with something hanging around his neck and was rolling a stool over with him. He sat down on it with a sigh in front of him, "Alright, let's start with a few quick questions. Is that alright with you?" He received a small nod. Huh, Legolas was quieter than he thought he would be. "Any past medical problems? Like any illnesses?"

"No, elves do not get ill." He answered straight away.

He quickly jotted something down on his clipboard and Legolas noticed how his eyes looked brighter when he had answered. Did he not know this already? "From one to ten, how much pain are you currently in? One is you feel no pain and ten is basically 'I feel like I'm gonna die'."

Legolas could not help himself from having the faintest of smiles due to the explanation, but as quick as it appeared, it disappeared, returning to a stone blank expression. "One."

Jupiter instantly snapped his eyes up at him from his clipboard. He took a deep breath, adjusting his black thick-rimmed glasses, "I don't appreciate lying when I am doing an examination."

The elf blinked in surprise, wondering how he could have possibly known. He felt his wounds throbbing in pain from the battle he had just went through, though they were only cuts and bruises that would heal by the next day. "...Two."

Accepting it, he wrote it down. "Are you sexually active?"

"Pardon?" Legolas choked, eyes wide.

"Are you sexually active?" He repeated, "Legolas, I know it's personal, but I have to know. I need all the information I can get, even if it's irrelevant to what we're trying to figure out, so you'll have to go through questions like these. What I know of is extremely limited, so I'm starting from scratch."

Jupiter tried his hardest not to snicker at the sight of his ears turning a startling red as he fidgeted in his seat. He gave him a reassuring look, "Personal questions like these stay in this lab."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now