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WARNING: This chapter is kinda boring and short. Next chapter will definitely get right back into the actual story line. Sorry D:

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter gnawed on his toothpick from where he laid on the car creeper trolley as he fiddled with the intricate mechanisms underneath the car, concentrating solely on the part in which he was repairing. It has been quite a while since he began, and now he feels filthy and much too sweaty.

Spring made its dramatic entrance with a wave of heat finally barrelling in on the city and countryside. It wasn't necessarily horrible, but after many chilly days, it would take some time to adjust once more. Usually, when this happens, Jupiter would remain underground and continue tinkering away in his precious lab while Manny soaks in the sun to maintain her precious tan all until he was ready to face the warm outside world.

He wasn't exactly sure why he thought of visiting his grandmother now of all times was a good idea. It's not like the woman can't take care of herself because she's older, or she won't get dehydrated or overheated while farming, or succumb to an unfortunate death caused by common factors like stroke or heart attack, but it's not like he has to worry about her because of those possibilities, she's a strong hag.

When he arrived, he had been greeted with the usual love tap of a wooden spoon and pulled along to the garage. The garage was... Well, it looked like a hoarder's nest.

She explained to him that she was doing some spring cleaning and was just about to start in the garage when he came knocking at the door. The main thing that had been crowding the garage was an SUV that had been broken down and collecting dust. So, desperate to get rid of it since she had nowhere to put it and had no desire to keep it as her own, gave him the keys and told him it was his.

And now, he was fixing it, because why get someone to repair it for him for a horrendous amount of money when he can just do it himself and still be successful?

The only downside was how disgusting he feels during the repairing process.

Jupiter rolled himself out from underneath the vehicle just enough to switch out the tool in his hand for a wrench. He was nearly done, finally, he just had to do some finishing touches and then test the thing.


The voice that cut through the hushed heavy metal scared the fuck out of him. There he was, minding his own business, lost in his thoughts, and then he jumps like a little bitch. Unfortunately, this caused his forehead to collide with the rim of the SUV and an explosion of pain flared at the inflicted area. He cried out mostly from surprise as he dropped the wrench with a loud clang, pressing his hand to his throbbing forehead.

During this, he heard a small gasp from Legolas as he rushed to his side, kneeling beside him. He was apologizing profusely and asking if he was alright at the same time, gently moving his hand away to take a look at the bump that was surely appearing.

"It's okay, not your fault." Jupiter reassured him as the sharp pain turned into a dull throb, "I think a magic elf kiss would make it better though."

Legolas paused during his inspection in order to roll his eyes fondly, although he still felt quite bad for being the cause of him being hurt. Without any comment to his 'magic elf kiss' statement, he leaned down to press a gentle kiss on the red mark before taking the toothpick out of the other's mouth and moving down to give him a proper kiss. Pulling away, he asked, "What in the world are you doing?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now