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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Ethan walked through the long hallway with a tray in his hands, his heartbeat picking up in speed with every step he took. For so long he had waited for this day. To be able to wake his love up from a long night of sleep and surprise him with a big warm breakfast. It took a lot of planning, thinking two steps ahead, getting the materials he needed without drawing too much attention, and much, much more. It was all so worth it.

Entering the room, he placed the tray on the table and turned to Jupiter's sleeping form. His smile widened as he trailed his dark eyes over his still body. Licking his lips and clenching his hands into fists as he held back his desperate need, he approached him as quietly as he could in order to not accidentally wake him. He did not want him awake just yet.

The man stood there at the side of his bed, watching Jupiter's chest rise and fall from where he laid on his side. He reached down to touch him, to feel his skin against his. Just a small touch won't hurt, right? He has been patient for so long, so he can at least touch him, but as he reached down to touch him, Jupiter's mouth opened and said, "Don't touch me." Without even opening his eyes.

Ethan smiled, pulling his hand back reluctantly, "Good morning, Jupiter."

The younger of the two said nothing as he pushed himself up on the bed and rubbed his eye beneath his glasses. It probably wasn't the best idea to sleep with them on, but his fatigue was something he was more worried about. The lack of sleep was blatantly obvious due to the dark circles beneath his eyes. "What do you want?" He spat.

"I made you breakfast." Ethan told him softly, still unaffected by his anger and disgust towards him. What pissed Jupiter off, even more, was the pitying look he gave him as if he shouldn't be feeling this way about him. Silently, he motioned him to move away from him in order to stand when Ethan stepped back. With a yawn, he dragged his feet towards the table, the annoying scraping of metal chains on the floor following after him.

Ethan's eyes trailed down as he walked past him, but quickly snapped them back up when Jupiter sat down. He was pleasantly surprised by how quickly Jupiter was starting to accept his new home. Of course, there will be a lot more struggling, but it made the man happy, excited even - in more ways than one.

"I hope you like pancakes." Ethan said as he sat down across from him, "They're chocolate chip and I chopped up some fruit as a side so it can be a little healthier."

Jupiter said nothing. He only picked up the plastic fork and tended to his growling stomach. As Ethan watched him eat like he had yesterday with that same unsettling love-struck expression, a sensation of sharp claws scratched in his stomach. He wasn't sure what was causing it, but it was something that his own mind didn't want to reveal.

"How is it?" Ethan asked when he caught his eye. Jupiter only shrugged, finishing a quarter of the meal before placing his fork down to indicate that he was finished. He was still extremely hungry, but he had lost his appetite. "You know, I have to thank you."

The scientist furrowed his brows, "For what?"

"Helping my little brother. He's in your class, he told me that he was studying in the park since he needed a change of scenery, and some guy and his friends started to mess with him. Then you came along and stopped them."

"Oh... That kid."

"Yeah, he wanted to say thank you, but he never got the chance."

Jupiter's gold eyes darken, "He knows I'm here?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now