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WARNING: Again... I am not a chemist.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter begrudgingly scratched down the notes that the history teacher in front of the room was writing on the board with her neat handwriting as she droned on and on about the Renaissance period. He completely ignored the bewildered glances he was getting both from his classmates and the teacher herself when they noticed what he was doing.

Believe him, he didn't want to write any notes. In fact, he rather just fall asleep right now on his desk with music filtering into his ears. The only reason he was doing this task, a task that he very rarely does when he felt like it, was because Manny was still on bed rest and needed as many notes as she can get. They only had two classes together, which was history and math, so it was his job to provide her the notes straight from the classroom.

Jupiter tried with all his might to drown out his teacher's voice and found out that this took little effort to do as his hand continued to do the writing for him, his thoughts wandering off. Today has been extremely sunny and warm, a pleasant change compared to the cold air nipping him through his hoodie whenever he stepped outside. In fact, it was so nice outside, that today during gym they went out on the track. He had been so busy lately that he had almost forgotten how much of a stress reliever running and exercising was, and mentally noted to start working out again soon.

This lead to him thinking of the Fellowship's way of training and exercising to keep in shape. He frowned, nearly wincing as he realized how secluded they have been lately. All of them, especially Legolas, must be getting tired of hanging around at a single place while occasionally going out to buy groceries. Shrugging, he decided to figure something out later.

The scientist remembered what had happened last night after Legolas had told him the story about the first elleth and ellon to both discover and experience true love. They had fallen into a companionable silence as Jupiter smoked away, basking in the bearable chill of the night, with the chirping of crickets being the only noise around them.

During that moment, Legolas had looked at him and suddenly asked if his hair and eyes had come from his parents. Jupiter had went unnaturally emotionless at the question, stating stiffly that he was adopted and had no clue who his biological parents were, prompting the elf to apologize.

Jupiter had simply shrugged off the apology, yawning as he disposed the useless bud of his cigarette. As drowsiness fully began to settle in on him, he told Legolas that even when his adoptive parents found him, there was no identification linked to him and he was written off as a child that had possibly been born and grew up on the streets.

He faintly remembered himself muttering something about Manny being adopted too before a hand gently pulled him down until his head laid on a warm surface. The last thing that he can recall before he finally succumbed to the darkness's grasp was Legolas humming a gentle tune as what felt like fingers timidly brush over his hair.

Jupiter flinched in his seat when the bell rang obnoxiously, signalling students to get their asses out of class in order to go to their next one. He sighed and took his time packing up while the others rushed out of class in hopes of not being late. He made to close the notebook he was writing notes in, but froze when his eyes caught a series of words that he had written on the margins during the brief times the teacher had stopped writing on the board.

Legolas's name decorated the edge of the lined paper in his notebook, written over and over again.

He swallowed hard before furiously scratching it out with his pencil until it was nothing but a dark grey bold. He wasn't sure whether the heat on his cheeks was due to his various levels of confused irritation or from pure embarrassment. He settled on both.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now