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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The tradition of asking one's hand in marriage for mortals on Earth is... odd.

Aragorn has already told him much about mortal traditions in marriage on Middle-Earth, and even that was bizarre to listen to. Compared to Elven marriages, mortal traditions appeared utterly absurd. Many marriages are even arranged, some of them in which the man and woman never meet until the day they are to become man and wife.

Legolas was not sure what he had been hoping for when he asked for his dear friend to tell him more about mortal marriages when the subject was brought up. It left him sufficiently surprised - speechless, even. At the time, he had known little about relationships among the race of Men, and he suspected everything to be different, but there are still things he wishes were not true.

On Earth, however, is just as perplexing.

The first day exploring Earth was when he first learned that here, too, bonding wasn't seen as 'bonding'. Some thought it to be a type of 'bonding' due to religious reasons or personal opinions, but others... not so much.

Jupiter had also told him how someone asks for another's hand in marriage. That, too, had him tilting his head and bringing more questions. Apparently, the man - or woman - who wishes to ask their significant other to marry them would kneel down on one knee and present them with a ring - nearly always a diamond, Jupiter had said - then ask the big question. The ring is called an engagement ring.

It had made him laugh. Back home, all races never went to such lengths just to ask them to take their hand in marriage, they would usually simply ask. Just asking the question itself would make the other happy, but he supposes that the ring is a bonus. Jupiter has shown him videos as an example - including failed proposals (he still feels quite bad for laughing at them) - and he could not understand why the women in the videos always cry. Marriages between Men are not all too special, for them, it is mostly just a change in title. Husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife.

Perhaps this was why he had been so entranced by the rings in the jewelry store. He was able to see for himself why exactly diamonds are used for the engagement rings, but not only that, he found himself... Daydreaming while looking at them.

Melancholy had curled within him at the sight of the rings as Jupiter's words echoed in his mind, and maybe even hope and excitement mixed with it. He wasn't particularly sure why he felt that way just by staring at the shimmering jewelry, but he did not plan to think about it too much.

Legolas slid his pants back on as Jupiter zipped and buttoned his own, the pointed tips of his ears an alarming red as he thought back to what the two of them have done. On Jupiter's lab table. Do not misunderstand, he enjoyed it, he even wanted to do it again, but now he cannot look at the lab table or the lab itself without thinking about it.

The ellon immediately leaned back into Jupiter's embrace when arms slid around his waist. He shivered when a soft kiss was pressed against a tender spot on his neck from Jupiter's earlier abuse on it. "So whaddya say, doll? Want a taste of it more often? Ya looked like you were really enjoyin' it earlier, I'd say."

He felt his temperature rising all over again as the redhead whispered right by his ear, his breathing deepening when he felt fingers brush over his thigh before gliding up in order to zip and button his pants for him. Legolas felt a twinge of disappointment when he moved on to buckle his belt for him, but ignored it, "Well, I did not believe you when you said it would be pleasurable..."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now