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WARNING: There may or may not be some atheism in here. So beware if you get offended by stuff like that.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Oh, hey guys! I was just about to heat up some leftov-" Manny paused, "I suddenly sensed a shift in the universe. What happened?"

Legolas gaped at the woman, surprised by her swift catch of the change in atmosphere around both he and Jupiter. He glanced over at his companion who had remained quiet thus far just in time for him to say, "Friendzoned."

"What?" She furrowed her brows before they lifted up and her eyes widened, "Oh... Oh. Okay, tonight sounds like a great night for chocolate chip cookies."

This caught Jupiter's attention, "Your grandma's recipe?"

"Of course, who else? Grandmas are the baddest biscuits around when it comes to cookies."

"Do you require any help, Manny?" Legolas asked politely, as per usual.

"Nah, you can go join everyone outside to train if you want. Actually, now that I mention it, Aragorn wanted to spar with you. After what happened, he doesn't want you guys to get rusty and wants everyone to spar more."

"Has he? Well, I suppose I shall take my leave." The ellon sent the both of them his usual charming smile, "Until supper, Jupiter. Manny."

The both of them watched as he continued on his way, heading back to the back doors. Jupiter's gold eyes never left his figure until he was no longer able to see him and returned his gaze back to Manny, who was looking at him as if he had three heads. He rose an unimpressed brow at her bewilderment, "What?"

"You're really deep in this, aren't you?"

He shrugged casually, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "What can I say? I'm smitten as fuck."

"I can tell." The brunette then dragged him into the kitchen, "Now while you deal with the hot stuff for leftovers, I'll deal with the cookie dough."

"Let me guess, I'm the one putting them in the oven."

"Hey, I'm not the one who barely flinched when they got second-degree burns after sticking their entire hand in an open flame." Manny pointed the wooden spoon she took out at him, "And don't think you're gonna get away with being alone with me, and not telling me what happened out there."

Jupiter sighed loudly as he opened the fridge to take out the leftover ratatouille that Manny demanded him to make upon seeing the movie Ratatouille with everyone. As he prepared for it to reheat in the oven, he gave her the short version of what happened at the cliff, making it all straight to the point mostly for his own sake. Even though it hurt to tell her what happened, it gave him a strange kind of relief. Manny always had that effect, even when he first met her. She may be bubbly and talkative, but when it was just the two of them and she knows when Jupiter needed a little venting, she always listens.

"I think I like Frodo." His best friend broke him out of his thoughts with her sudden announcement and he simply looked at her, "Like... like, like him."


"Your lack of response worries me."

"Manny, you are aware that I've known you had the biggest crush on Frodo since the very second you saw him on screen when you were twelve?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now