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WARNING: Just lots and lots of fluff and aftercare. Enjoy. :D

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Legolas awakened with warmth enveloped and cocooned around him like a blanket. He blinked slowly, his blurred vision clearing as he mumbled incoherently under his breath. He pushed away long hair that had flopped over his face at some point during the night, which then led to the unpleasant realization that all of his hair resembled Jupiter's. Wild and out of control.

He decided not to ignore it for now and focused on a much more important matter. The owner of the arms wrapped around him and the chest his back was pressed against. Legolas carefully shifted, turning around so that he was now facing his beloved and a smile immediately rose to his face as he took in the state that he was in. From what he can see of the bare skin peeking from underneath the covers were a few red markings scattered on his neck that were already turning into a light purple. If he lifted up the blankets, he was absolutely sure that there would be more of the marks that he made, but Legolas was also certain that his own body was much worse.

The blonde lifted his hand up to gently run his fingers through crimson hair, lightly biting his bottom lip as he happily recalled the activities of the night before. They both had lost count of how many times they had done it and couldn't recall how long it took before they passed out from the exhaustion. He can still feel the same afterglow he had felt last night and he clung onto that sensation.

Finally, they bonded and he didn't regret a single thing. Time and all of that nonsense didn't matter to him. All he cared about was the ceasing of tugging of his soul. It was now relaxed, a part of it missing and replaced with another that fit so satisfyingly perfect, smothering it in a protective, loving blanket. Legolas's hand slid down from the hair he was playing with and pressed it against the other's chest. Along with the strong, steady heartbeat, he felt the pulsing energy of part of his own and Jupiter's soul intermingling in a lazy fashion but remained firm and unyielding.

Legolas wondered how his father would react if he ever told him that he was bonded with another. The person not only a part of the race of Men but also a male. It would also not help if he ever mentioned how soon their courting period ended. Evidently, he would be furious by this and perhaps go on with a long monologue about if he were going to marry someone it should have been with a beautiful elleth and then he would forbid him from ever seeing Jupiter again... The thought of his father telling him that saddened him, but nonetheless, it was true that he would say it.

Legolas pushed the thought away and instead focused on his sleeping lover, who was cuddling him as if the elf were a stuffed animal, light snores and incoherent mumbles - which he found endearing - escaping him from time to time. If they were to have an eternity together, he would not mind staying here to simply watch him like this all throughout it endlessly.

"Hm... Whatcha doin'?"

The elf looked away from his own hand and back to Jupiter's tired, yet happy, face. Legolas's smile grew, not bothering to answer, before giving him a gentle kiss. Jupiter hummed contently as his arm, which was draped over his waist, tightened and pulled the other closer until he was fully pressed against him. After he reluctantly broke the kiss, Legolas said, "'Quel amrun, meleth-nîn."

"Mornin', darlin'." Jupiter's eyes trailed down and he visibly winced, lightly running his fingers over one of the bite marks he inflicted on Legolas. The redness and bruising was a great contrast from his pale skin, but the sight of it proudly displayed at the area between his neck and shoulder pleased him immensely. A possessive part of him thought that now everyone would know that Legolas is his, "Shit, I shouldn't have bitten you that hard. Does it hurt?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now