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WARNING: You should know this by now, but Google is my friend and I know nothing. Lol.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Legolas swears on everything that this was an accident.

It has been a little over five hours since Jupiter and Manny left, but before they did go to school - to which they kindly nicknamed their place of education as 'hell'...

"A couple of Jupiter's friends are coming over to babysit you guys."

Every single gaze zone in on the two best friends, all of them pausing from eating their breakfast. Gimli was the first to speak up from beside a silent Boromir and inquire, "Babysit?"

"Yeah, well, not exactly babysitting." Manny said thoughtfully, "More like... Keeping you guys company while we're gone. It was actually Jupiter's idea since the three of them are pretty close from what I've heard."

Jupiter nods as he used his fork to move cubed honeydew melon onto Legolas's plate from his own serving of fruit salad. He hates honeydew. "I wouldn't use the word close, but I trust them enough to hang out with you guys. They're good people, and Manny and I feel that we shouldn't be the only aliens you guys should talk to."

"...Wait, holy crap, we are aliens."

"I don't mind." Sam said with a small lopsided smile and the rest of the Fellowship looked at him questioningly, "What? It does get a tad lonely, even when we all have each other to talk to. Meeting someone new sounds nice."

The redhead and brunette look at each other once they heard his statement. Jupiter cleared his throat, "If any of you are uncomfortable with the idea, I can still call it off and we can forget about the whole arrangement."

No one made any objections. They all looked at each other and a silent agreement washed over the entire table. Manny clapped her hands excitedly, "Great! This is gonna be so much fun!"

"You haven't even met them, Manny, how do you know that?" Jupiter grumbled, rolling a stray blueberry around his plate with his fork, "For all you know, this could all go to shit."

"You've told me a lot about them so it's like I know them already. I really like Genna, didn't you mention she wanted to see my art? Oh! This is my chance to give her some of my old sketchbooks!"

Legolas stole the blueberry that his suitor was messing with on his plate and ate it, receiving a glare with no heat in it, "Do they know who we are?"

"No," Jupiter answered. "Same names and story. I told them that they could just chat and do whatever, play video games, maybe even go out into the city and give you all a tour."

"It has been a long time since we've done any exploring..." Merry thought aloud.

He smirked slightly and stood up, grabbing his own empty plate and going around the table to grab other plates that were clean from any food, "Hurry up, Manny. We were almost late last week because you kept eating breakfast."

"Gimme a minute, dangit, I'm only on my third plate! Besides, when did an overrated bad boy like you start caring about being late to school?"

"I still don't care. I just don't want to hear you bitching about your homeroom teacher calling you out for being late."

Soon enough everyone was done eating and they all worked together to clean the table. Just as they were finishing up, there was knocking on the door. Jupiter immediately announced that he would get it and quickly went to the door, unlocking it before swinging it open. He smirked at the couple before him, stepping aside to allow them through, "Hey, you two, come on in."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now