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Hey, everyone! Apologies for the wait, here's a 10K word chapter for your asses. :P I had fun writing it!

WARNING: Slightly cracky/carefree chapter. :D... But I ended up going off the deep end and it gets pretty serious. A little angst is thrown into the mix, too.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Legolas and Jupiter came stumbling through the front door, giggling madly as they leaned against each other for support. They weren't sure if they were laughing at the joke Legolas made or because of the amount of laughter that had bubbled out of them afterward... Probably both.

They've been like this for a solid three minutes and Jupiter was absolutely sure that nothing would get rid of his mirth for a good while... Well, that was until he saw two of his dearest womanly friends standing oh-so innocently in the living room area. The looks on their faces caused his laughter to abruptly cut off and to eye them warily. Legolas notices quickly afterward and cuts himself off as well.

He silently took a hold of his husband's hand, tugging it as he took a slow and careful step backward. They both jumped and spun around when the door slammed closed behind them. Jupiter watched the last one of the female trio grin at them in a way that caused alarm bells to ring in his head as she locked the door. "Okay, that's not creepy at all..." He muttered.

"You made it right on time." Genna said as she slowly walked around them to join the other pair, "I'm surprised, I thought you two would be... late if you catch my drift."

Legolas blinked owlishly at her, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You two just lost your virginities last night." She stated bluntly, "Now it's even harder for the both of you to keep your hands off of each other."

"Wait how did you know we were- No, we are not going to talk about that." Jupiter said firmly, holding his hand up. "Just tell us what you guys are planning, not gonna lie, you're freaking us out a little."

"Well, my dear, nerdy, pyro, jerk of a best friend..." Manny smiled sweetly, "I've already spoken to the other boys while you two were spending time together and they've all agreed to go to a special parade that's starting in a couple of hours."

"A special parade." Legolas repeated.

"Mhm, to be more specific, it's a pride parade."

"Oh." Jupiter relaxed, "A parade for the gays and more. That's all you wanted to do? Tell us about it and make us go? If Legolas is comfortable then I'm all in."

"Rose, I do not think that is the only thing that they wish to tell you." The elf told him as he eyed the large bag in Luna's hands, "I have an inkling that you will despise what is approaching."

"...Oh, no."

"Legolas is right," Luna said. "You owe us, Jupiter. All of us. You've kept secrets from Manny, you owe us compensation for the help on the music, and not to mention the bail you have yet to fully repay for when you got arrested. Fortunately for you, your payment is easy. All you have to do is come with us to Genna and I's room, and allow me to beat your face."


"Let me make this easier for you." The ginger sighed as she dug into the large bag before pulling out a whole fucking wig that's the same color of Jupiter's fucking hair. "You are going to become our queen whether you like it or not."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now