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WARNING: Hi. This chapter is kinda short. :D

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Jupiter, we need to talk."

The man calmly crossed his arms. He can see that everyone in the room was seething at the sight of Isabelle, Legolas being the worse out of them all. "Uh-huh. I don't believe that we need to talk, it's more along the lines of you wanting to talk."

"No, it's- I'm being serious." She said with an almost distressed tone as she shifted on one foot to the other. Jupiter's eyebrows furrow in suspicion at the sight of her quickly rubbing her eye. Her skin appeared off and her overall appearance was rather ruffled, something unlike her. She wasn't even wearing make-up.

"If it was serious, I don't think you would have barged into my home as you did a few seconds ago."

"If I didn't barge in, I wouldn't be talking to you right now." Isabelle spat, "Your little friends would have kicked me out if I didn't put up a fight."

Huh... That was true. Jupiter took a glance at Manny and the Fellowship again. They were slightly calmer now, but they all still appeared upset and looked ready to shove her out the door the moment she makes a wrong move. Gratitude and warmth washed over him briefly. It was still odd for so many people to be protective of him, but it was a nice feeling.

Now, onto the real issue. What does she want to talk about? "Haven't we talked enough? Did you come here to ask the same damn questions you've shot at me? Because I'm starting to get sick of you jumping to conclusions and trying to connect dots that don't even exist when the answer is right in front of your face." Irritation was finally seeping back into his voice.

"No, Jupiter, like I said, I'm serious." Isabelle's voice became quieter as if she were starting to lose hope, "Please, please can I talk to you?... Alone?"

A heavy silence weighed the entire living room. All eyes were on Jupiter now. Everyone else dearly wished that they could answer her question for him, but knew it wasn't their place. All they could do was wait for him to give his response.

A humorless laugh left the blonde woman as her head bowed slightly in defeat, "Hah... Right, I-... I guess I should have taken the hint at lunch today. Or the last time we talked. I'll just... I'll leave."

Jupiter sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose when she began to hurry towards the front door, "Fucking- Fine. Alright."

She skidded to a stop, spinning back around. She appeared to be genuinely surprised by his change of heart and everyone else was no better. "Jupiter," Legolas muttered to him. "Are you sure about this?"

The man only nodded at him before turning his attention back to his ex-girlfriend, "You want a drink or something? I have a feeling this is going to be a long chat."


"I quit drinking. Sorry, this is an alcohol and smoking-free household now."

"Oh." She appeared to not know what to say to that, which wasn't much of a surprise. She was one of the people who knew more than anyone about his love for those two things. "Water, then."

"Head to the back where the bench swing is. I'll be right out."

Isabelle nodded slightly, avoiding all potential eye contact with the other occupants of the household as she rushed over to the glass doors. As soon as they closed, Manny immediately turned to Jupiter with wide eyes, whispering harshly, "What the hell, Jupiter?!"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now