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WARNING: Did You Know?: Jupiter and Legolas may have crushes on each other. :o

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Unsurprisingly, Jupiter has been keeping a closer eye on Isabelle.

Even after his unexpected encounter with her and her apology, he was still wary about her... and maybe he was just a tiny bit worried about her still. Honestly, he didn't focus on his reasoning all too much due to the fact that he noticed something very quickly that he hadn't the days prior to her apology. Not once did she acknowledge his existence or glance at his direction. Although he was grateful for that, he still found her behavior strange.

She wore more sweaters and jeans now and seemed a bit timid when she wasn't with her friends. What also had him concerned was how uncomfortable she looked when she was with Ray. Nobody else noticed, but he was able to clearly see how stiff her entire body was when she's close to him and the way she strained her smile ever so slightly. He asked Manny's opinion on it and she basically told him that she didn't care about Isabelle's issues. Understandably so.

When Jupiter had came back inside the house that night, he had been silent up until they were all sitting at the table during dinner. He told them the basics of what happened and Manny had been the most displeased out of everyone. She wasn't particularly happy with the fact that Isabelle was suddenly apologizing out of nowhere and claiming that she loves him. Jupiter knows where she's coming from, but - he can't believe he's saying this - it's a bit unfair with how biased she is being no matter how much of a bitch Isabelle is.

"Hey, did you hear what happened yesterday? With Isabelle?"

Jupiter paused midway of putting a book back into his locker before resuming his action, slowing down his movements as subtly as possible as he focused on the voices of the two girls not too far off on his right.

"No, why?"

"Are you kidding me? Okay, now I have to tell you! So apparently yesterday, during cheer practice, Isabelle just walked in without her uniform and quit the team on the spot! Out of nowhere!"

"What? You're lying, she's the best on the team! Doesn't she love cheerleading?"

"I don't know, but I heard that she was forced to."

"Forced to?"

"Yeah, it's been kinda going around, but I think it's-"

A hand slamming into Jupiter's locker door and closing it caused him to nearly jump ten feet up in the air. He spun around to glare at whoever closed his locker before he was finished, and was a little more than surprised to find that it was Ray who had done it. Holy shit, when was the last time he saw Ray? When he made a bitch move and attacked him from behind when he was about to get in his car?

"Long time, no see, Holo."

"Back at you, dickwad. What do you want?" He didn't hesitate in asking, being this close to Ray wasn't very pleasant at all and he was absolutely dreading what he wants now.

"Nothing really, just heard that you got married, is all." The football player smirked mockingly and laughed, "Wow, I can't believe everyone believes that load of bullshit, even Bella. You? Married? You're still in high school dipshit, is that even legal?"

Jupiter stared at him with narrowed eyes. Not in suspicion... Just... confusion.

Is... Is anyone this stupid?

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now