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WARNING: I used Google a lot for this chapter, so some things might not be accurate. I really don't know if it is or isn't.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Guilty, but mentally ill.

The trial was surprisingly quick, and for each time Jupiter had to appear in court, Manny accompanied him as support - even when he has stated multiple times that he didn't need it. Multiple times he had been brought to the stand to speak about what had happened, and with the evidence that was found, matched perfectly with what he was saying.

Ethan's lawyer had apparently insisted on pleading not guilty, but surprisingly, with his head hanging throughout the whole entire trial, he shook his head. When Jupiter had been up on the stand, questioned by strangers, he saw how tired Ethan was with horrible circles under his bloodshot eyes, a large bruise on his cheek. He didn't pity him, not at all, it was his family that he felt bad about.

Peter and their mother were a mess, the oldest man in the small family, their stepfather, held onto the sniffling woman as she struggled to watch every dirty little secret that Ethan held be revealed. It was the last day of the trial where the most shocking news had been confessed by Ethan when he was to speak for the last time in the courtroom.

"Ethan, the pictures that you drew on your walls with the invisible paint..." A lawyer that had been appointed to Jupiter asked Ethan as the judge was given pictures of them, "Who are they?"

"My exes." He muttered, his eyes cast downwards.

The lawyer nods her head, slowly pacing in front of him, "Five of these gentlemen on your wall have been identified as five missing people back in your home state. In the drawings, their eyes are crossed out, given crude injuries. Ethan, what did you do to them?"

"They all said they loved me... I believed them." Ethan shook his head slightly, "The others they... They told me the truth. They at least told me they didn't love me. But those five... They lied to me. They were all cheaters and they got what they deserved. All liars should get what they deserve."

"What happened to them?"

"I killed them."

His mother cried out, sobbing into the tissue she was given. Her current husband pulled her close to his chest as he too stared at his eldest son in disbelief. Peter, who was sitting beside Jupiter in the front, took in a sharp breath and the redhead silently pushed the tissues over to him. The lawyer didn't look surprised, "We found their bodies. In the autopsy, the causes of death were identified. Two beaten to death, and the other three shot. The bullets are the exact same ones as the ones in the gun you were going to use to presumably kill both Mister Holo and your brother, Peter." She looks at the judge and nods respectfully, "I'm finished here."

Once the guards brought Ethan back to his table, his lawyer stood up and cleared his throat, "I would like to have Peter, the defendant's brother, on the stand."

The judge nodded and motioned for the tearful teen to be brought up to the stand. They went through the quick process of swearing on the Bible and Ethan's lawyer approached him, "Peter... It has come to my attention recently that Ethan has a psychological record as an adolescent and up to his early teens. Correct?"

"Yeah," He nods. "When I was a kid, my parents told me that Ethan would get violent with his classmates as a little kid. They just wrote it off as just bad anger issues and it faded, but when I was around eleven and he was sixteen... He stabbed a classmate for asking his boyfriend for his homework."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now