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WARNING: Like I said, I'm not a scientist.

Also, the girl above is Manny. This is the only picture I found that closely resembled how I imagined Manny to look like.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The minute they got back home, Jupiter and Manny got to work on giving everyone their clothes, making sure to cut the tag off along the way. After that was finished, the red head immediately went downstairs, switching his hoodie with his lab coat. "Alright, where to start, where to start... Oh!" He snapped his fingers and quickly made his way to the lab counters. Along the way, he grabbed a pair of safety glasses since he'll be working in the lab itself.

After Aragorn took a shower last night, he noticed there was some type of dust caking up on his clothes so he quickly collected it in a test tube so he can identify what it is later on as a side project. But he wasn't working on that now. He'll soon be working on the blood he collected, so after sliding on some gloves, he carefully put each one on different microscope slides before labeling them.

He then stood with all of the slides in hand and went to his microscope that was still connected with the computer. Sitting down, he turned the microscope on and pulled the screen up on the computer before putting the first slide in. Boromir. Last night he had set the magnification settings at 4X and 10X only to identify the average cell count, but now he needed a much closer look.

Taking off the safety glasses and clipping it to his shirt with his other glasses, he messed with the knobs to make it focus on each setting until he got to the highest magnification. He blinked at the screen and squinted, "Wait... What the fuck?"

Jupiter quickly looked into the microscope itself before looking back up at the screen. Almost frantically, he replaced the slide with Gimli's. Then Aragorn, then Frodo, then Legolas, and then the rest. Soon enough, he had a notebook in his hand and flipped it open to a new page, scribbling down everything Manny had told him the other night. He has a feeling that it's going to be useful in the future.


Upstairs in the dining room, Manny had made sandwiches for all of them to eat for lunch. As she was biting into her third ham sandwich, all of them heard the sound of music being blasted in the basement. More specifically, heavy metal. To say that all of them - well, except Manny - were surprised was an understatement. "It's just Jupiter, he's playing music." She quickly reassured them.

"That is not music." Merry cried incredulously, "It sounds like something that Orcs would listen to!"

"Yeah, well, it helps him concentrate." That statement was followed by a muffled solo of someone screaming gibberish and intense drumming.

"I do hope you understand that that's very hard to believe, Manny." Legolas stated, disliking the flurry of instruments being played.

She only shrugged, fully understanding why considering she thought the same exact thing until she witnessed it for herself how much better he worked with this type of music playing. "If the music were louder with more screaming then that's when we should be worried. He'll play screamo music if he's using fire. He gets a bit... excited with anything that has to do with fire."

Manny held up a hand before any of them opened their mouths, "Don't ask. He just has an unhealthy love for it." They wisely chose to listen to her statement.

The table was soon void with food and everyone went to do their own thing. The two men, Aragorn and Boromir, had retrieved their weapons to spar in the backyard, while the others watched a movie. It was long since she properly show them around the house after they returned from the mall and store, like where they can go spar and train at when they feel like it without anyone seeing them.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now