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WARNING: Grab a snack, this is gonna be a long one.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


It had only been half an hour since the incident during dinner. After briefly speaking to Levy, answering some of the many questions she had for him, he excused himself in order to go to the bathroom. As he was in there, he checked the wound on his leg and was satisfied to find that it was nearly completely healed, a big difference from when Jupiter had taken a look at it this morning. It was no wonder he was able to walk without a crutch without any pain, it was only a cut now.

He wished that he was able to make his own salve so it would have healed twice as fast, but unfortunately, this world did not have any of the herbs that Middle Earth had according to Jupiter. Even so, he was still grateful that Jupiter did his best to keep the wound clean and wrapped even though he was fully capable of doing it himself. Legolas sighed remembering when he would fret over his injury. It had been rather obvious that he blamed himself for it, but even though Legolas constantly reassured him that it wasn't, it never convinced him.

The ellon groaned, dropping his head in his hands. He's doing it again. Thinking about Jupiter. It's not like he hadn't done it before, but now he was much more aware of the concerning amount of times he has done so. The real issue is not knowing the reason as to why this has been happening, because he was sure that it wasn't only because of their... conversation at the hill... or the kiss in the closet.

Legolas took a deep breath and looked up, staring back at himself in the mirror. He must recognize that he feels something for Jupiter. Never in his long life has he felt such a need for someone to stay in it. To the point where if that someone were to be gone forever he- He does not want to think about what would happen.

All too suddenly, he began to understand what Jupiter was trying to describe to him at the cliff. How incomplete he felt. It took too long for him to realize, but Legolas had experienced this longer than he was aware of. He supposes it never came to light until Ethan had kidnapped Jupiter... Just thinking about it made his blood boil and his heart clench.

This must be why he was thinking of him so much, why he was so guilty, why he felt such... regret.

"Dolle naa lost." He hissed at his reflection. How can he ever do this to Jupiter? He tore his heart apart, forget his own cracked soul, Legolas can never forgive himself for hurting him like this! Every time Legolas looks at him, there was an urge for him to look away. Seeing the pain and heartache hidden behind his gaze brought grief into his heart.

It frightened Legolas. He had not been sure what to think after Jupiter's confession, even when the voice in the back of his head screamed at him to tell him to reveal everything that had been buried deep within him. Men had the tendency to love, forget that love, and abandon it. They get bored. But Jupiter... When he looks into those golden orbs, he sees nothing but genuine adoration hidden behind the sorrow. It was strong and held firm, and it confused and scared him at the same time.

Legolas did not care anymore. He did not care if Jupiter is a male, he did not care if he is a mortal, he did not care. It was all too much. All of this denying of his own emotions, of what his heart truly wants and yearns for, it overwhelmed him and he can no longer fight back. Why did he ever fight back? This tenderness, this adoration for Jupiter was so satisfyingly sweet, yet so bitter.

He covered his mouth with his hand as he choked down a sob. It would all be in vain if he did have the courage to run downstairs back to Jupiter and profess everything that he has kept hidden, then kiss those delightful lips that had once pressed against his own. He still remembers how they felt, even when he had been frozen in shock, his body buzzing with warmth as he had tried to process what had happened. They were slightly chapped against his own due to the conditions he briefly lived in, and even without smoking and drinking for a while, he can still taste a hint of tobacco and liquor. All of those aspects sounds unsatisfying for a first kiss between the two, but it was perfect because all of those things purely made up Jupiter.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now