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I am so sorry for the extremely late update!

If you don't follow me, I had sent a message to all of my followers that my laptop had broken and gave updates on its status. As you can tell, it took a while to fix, but we're all good now! Again, sorry for the delay and inconvenience. D:

I made this chapter a bit longer than usual and I plan to hopefully post again at the usual time this week, returning to my usual schedule. I say HOPEFULLY because I'm getting surgery tomorrow. Nothing serious, just a baby tooth being pulled out and my gums getting cut open, no biggy, but I know I'm going to be tired af a couple of days following it so it depends on how I'm feeling. I don't know what to expect from the surgery other than a sore mouth and drowsiness.

Anyway, if I decide not to post again this week, then normal updates will be back next week on the same day as usual.

If anything else like this comes up again, make sure to follow me so you can see if anything comes up out of the blue.

Enough about that, I'll leave you to this chapter!

WARNING: Hello, nice to meet you, I am not a doctor. The stuff in this chapter (you'll see) is from research on the internet. Please, if anything is not accurate, pretend it is for the sake of the story. Lol.

ANOTHER ONE: Depending on whether or not you have a sensitive heart, grab some tissues.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Manny glared in a displeased manner as she angrily chewed on the second dry turkey sandwich that she had bought from the cafeteria. She was not a happy camper. She was definitely not a happy camper. All because of her best friend that was sitting next to her, completely disregarding his half-eaten orange, rapidly tapping on his phone, and ignoring her. She does not enjoy Jupiter not listening to her during lunchtime, one of the only times they can talk freely during school time.

Swallowing her mouthful of food, she dropped the sandwich back on her styrofoam plate and said blandly, "So, Jupiter, I decided to join a cult."


"Yeah, it's a really sexual cult where everyone just humps each other all day, every day. We're going to sacrifice a virgin or two under a full moon to summon a sex demon, it's going to be great."


She was fed up with him now. At a speed that she wasn't even aware of having, she snatched his phone out of his hand and ignored his shout of indignation. Right before he lunged to grab his phone back, she raised her foot and nearly slammed it into his chest to hold him back, "Don't you dare try to take it back, mister! You haven't let go of this thing out of your sight all week long during school and the mystery is killing me! Plus I need to know who's attention is worth more than mine."

"Manny, just give it back to me and-" Jupiter coughed when her foot shoved him in his chest a little as a warning.

"It's too late to negotiate, nerd." She then finally looked at the screen of his phone which was already opened to the message app. Her brows furrow in confusion at the contact name and began scrolling through the long conversation...

...And then bursts out laughing.

The scientist felt heat rush up to his face and he made another attempt to grab his phone out of her hand again, but Manny's legs were stronger than her arms so he didn't move much, which added to his current embarrassment. "Dammit, Manny, that's private!" He protested lamely, knowing that it was useless to try to stop her now.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now