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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


"Okay, we're here." Manny told her elf companion as she pulled into the bar parking lot. She parks the car and the both of step out of it to head straight to the bar that was barely just open for that night.

The brunette stepped inside of the place with Legolas close behind her and scrunched up her nose in disgust. She never liked the smell - or taste - of alcohol, it was just... gross. And it burned. She has no idea why Jupiter liked it so much and he was two years younger than her. Oh, you thought Manny was younger than him? Well, if you did, you thought wrong.

Manny went up to the bar counter with confident steps. This was her first time in a place like this and she would have been a little anxious about it since she technically wasn't allowed in there, but that was the last thing on her mind right now since she was on a hunt to find her hotheaded best friend. She stops in front of the counter where the bartender was cleaning glasses with a white cloth behind it, "Excuse me?"

He looked up and gave them both a welcoming smile, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"We were just wondering if you saw our friend here last night. He has super red hair and these big, stupid hipster glasses, oh, and the last time I saw him he looked grumpy."

"Actually, I have seen someone exactly like that." The man said, pausing in cleaning the glasses.

"Can you tell us where he had gone?" Legolas spoke up, "He did not return as he had promised and we fear that something may have happened to him."

"He left after a couple of drinks and that's it."

"Are you sure?" Manny placed her hands on the counter, "Did anything weird happen? Anything at all?"

"Well..." His brows furrow in thought, "After a while, some guy sat next to him and paid for his drink. I think they knew each other, but your friend didn't seem too excited to see him, unless that's how he always acts."

"It depends." She said, sighing as her heart raced with worry, "Are you allowed to show us the security tapes from last night?"

"I wish I could, but I'm not allowed. I had my eyes on them pretty much the whole time, your friend left soon after and then the guy left too after finishing his beer."

"What did he look like?"

"Um... He had black hair, slicked back. Stubble on his chin, really dark eyes, and he seemed like a nice person, but he kind of gave me the creeps." The bartender admitted at the end, then muttering, "Listen, I have a weird feeling about him. I can sneak a picture of him from the security footage, but that's it. I'll Airdrop it to you, but delete it once you're finished with it."

The both of them felt relief wash over both of them, "Thank you so much." Manny breathed, "We're going to take a look outside, so take your time."

"Gotcha." He gave a nod before casually putting away the cloth and slipping through a door in the back.

Legolas was the first to move and the both of them swiftly left the bar in order to investigate outside. What they had gathered so far by one person was a lot and a little concerning. First, everything had seem fine for Jupiter and then all of a sudden this random guy bought him a drink before he started talking to him. Then after Jupiter left, he did as well. And to top it all off, even the bartender was suspicious of him and was going as far as to break the rules just so he can help them with a potential cause of his disappearance.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now