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I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The golden eyed teen didn't get much sleep. The night before, Manny had recounted the whole story of how it happened. It was storming, the power went out, her TV became holy, and then it puked out the Fellowship to put it simply.

Then after they slipped into their pajamas and into bed, he had lied awake and his mind was drawn into a blank. Her story didn't give much, but that was to be expected. He tried thinking up of all types of possibilities, but he ended up tossing it into the trash or pushing it aside as a reasonable reason. It did not help that he had no clue where to start when it came to all of the information he has gathered so far. He'll figure it out at some point, but right now wasn't that time.

Soon he had slowly drifted off to the dark pits of his mind. Though, that was all flushed down the drain when he was awakened by knocking at his bedroom door. The person knocking better be either dead, dying, or zombified.

Golden eyes blinking open, his blurry vision slowly cleared up. The first thing he saw was Manny clinging onto him, her hair in a tangled mess, and her mouth wide open as she snored away. She was always a cuddler in her sleep... and a drooler. He was more than willing to shove a sock in her mouth if it meant he wouldn't wake up with a body part covered in drool. It was tempting, but he wasn't that mean.

Carefully unwrapping her arms from around him, he slipped out of bed grumpily. As he trudged to the door, he noticed what time it was. Whoever was at his door, he was going to murder. They were going to die a slow and painful death.

He unlocked the door and swung it open to glare darkly at the group crowding in front of the doorway. "What?" He growled lowly.

They all simultaneously flinched at his tone and glare, not expecting to be greeted that harshly. It sort of pissed Jupiter off that they were all wide awake as if waking up was the greatest thing in the world. Especially when they all needed to sleep and are suppose to be in bed still.

"We all woke up some time ago and..." Pippin trailed off.

"And you want breakfast." He sighed, leaning against the door frame as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Do you realize how early it is? It's six in the morning."

"We awake at sunrise." Legolas said, "Do you not?"

"Not on the weekend when there's no school- Jesus- okay. Alright, that's my fault, I should have told all of you to sleep in. I'll make something, so go downstairs, I'll be there in a sec." He told them before shutting the door.

Grumbling under his breath, he went back to his nightstand to grab his glasses. He didn't exactly need to wear glasses, they were more... Of a memory. If anyone touched them, he would punch them, and that has happened several times so far.

"What did they want?"

Jupiter looked over to find that Manny was looking at him with half-lidded eyes, partially awake. "They just need to eat. Go back to sleep, sweet cheeks, I'll be back later."

She said something incoherent before her eyes closed and her snoring resumed. He chuckled as he slid his glasses on and left the room, yawning. As he made his way into the kitchen, he began to wish that he had told them all to sleep in rather than wake up at sunrise before they all went to bed. They all, especially Frodo, need to get some extra sleep in, especially after what they all had been through.

With some help from Sam - since he's not exactly that great with cooking for more than two people - they managed to make a classic American breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and some fruit. He had apologized on the Fellowship's behalf for waking him up, but he had brushed it off with his usual smirk.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now