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Hey, so my friend - who reads this story - didn't know what I imagined Jupiter's accent to be like and I showed her a video of a guy with his accent and got her stamp of approval lol.

I realized that none of you really know what Jupiter's accent sounds like either, so here's a video above of what I imagined his dialect to sound like exactly.

...Okay that's all I wanted to say. XD

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


The news that was discovered hit every single individual in the household hard; some more than others.

It became a silent, unanimous agreement to not mention it again unless it is Jupiter bringing more findings to their attention. They all were aware that it was not healthy at all to completely ignore their inevitable departure, the approximate time approaching at a steady, nervewracking rate. However, it was for the best if they do so, or else they would spend every day fretting over it.

Good thing Jupiter is amazing at completely ignoring everything.

...Too bad that he still had something else to worry about.

Manny cheered, clapping her hands excitedly after opening the freezer. Lately, the temperature has been heating back up and during a trip to the supermarket, she snagged a box of Pop-Ice and she has been periodically checking if they were frozen since last night. Grabbing a handful - all for herself, of course - she skipped out of the kitchen happily. While everyone is training outside in the warm weather, she planned on enjoying her cool snack within the confinements of her new room and binge on Youtube videos. Hm... Maybe once she's finished, she'll bring some out for the boys to eat, too.

She grumbled as her bra straps from underneath her tank top fell limply off her shoulders, adjusting them for the fifth time that afternoon. It has been way too long since she went braless and the urge to take it off right that second was potent. Screw it, she'll do it later tonight, Frodo will just have to deal with the embarrassment, she wants to be free.

Stepping into the living room, she paused at the sight of a prone body sprawled out on the middle of the floor. The brunette blinked slowly as she tip-toed towards the mass until she was right next to it before poking it with her toes. Her brows rose when she got a groan in response, "Jupiter... What are you doing?"

"Just leave me alone." Came his muffled reply, "Lemme become one with the floor and escape life."

"Okay..." Manny drawled out, slightly put off by his... odd behavior. "Will a Pop-Ice make you feel better?"

"...Is there cherry?"

She snorted when his head lifted up slightly with interest as he asked this question and dropped the flavored treat on his head. He barely seemed to notice, only grabbing it after a moment, rolling over in order to sit up, tearing the plastic off with his teeth, and calmly eating it. "So, what's got you suddenly hating life?"

"Oh, y'know, just thinking about the gigantic dent that's about to appear in my bank account."

"What? Don't tell me you're really going to buy that high tech stuff for your lab."

"No," He wished, but what he was planning was much more important than some lab equipment. He sighed as he stood, "Since you stopped me from wallowing in my own despair, it's time for me to suck it up. It's not even a huge dent, anyway, I think I just caught your drama-queen-itis, is all." With that said, Jupiter left and headed out to the backyard, completely disregarding the indignant shouts from behind him.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now