616 18 1

WARNING: Oof, a lot of shit happens in this chapter.

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Crumple, crumple.


Rip, crumple.

"Fuck that."

Rip, tear-

"Fucking useless brain!" Jupiter hissed to himself, slamming his pencil onto his desk as what little patience he had quickly dwindled into nothing. He had made it clear to everyone that he did not want to be bothered for a while in his room, so without any outside disturbances, he had been going at this for a solid hour.

Jupiter was never one for creativity. His skill sets were more analytical - you can throw any math formula or scientific question and he'll have the answer ready in a matter of seconds, but creativity was not his forte. That was Manny's field, considering her interest in anything related to the arts. Of course, there are times when he applies creativity to his studies, but that is completely different to what he was trying to do right now.

He groaned in frustration and stared down at the pile of papers that were either bunched up into a ball or torn apart. Jupiter gave a resigned sigh and ruffled his own hair. Maybe he was thinking a little too much about this. Maybe he shouldn't even think at all about it, wouldn't that be easier? He does remember that time when Legolas told him that the soul has more truth to express than the mind.

Jupiter nods to himself and awakened his computer, quickly clicking a few icons before music quietly drifted through the air and he relaxed. Heavy metal and the like were a huge help, but after catching Legolas listening to classical music and other genres of the like multiple times, he ended up starting to enjoy it.

Picking up his pencil, writing again was difficult at first, but then it became a blur over the paper. Ideas and already thought-up sentences written in chicken scratch appeared on the piece of paper. He nearly snickered at one point, seeing that Legolas was right. The soul speaks more than the mind. He had just been thinking too hard about this the entire time.

He had the main parts of this completed, considering they were the same words, but it was surprisingly easy to bring together what he wanted to say differently in each line. It was a slow and tedious process, eraser shavings scattered all over the paper and his desk, lots of trial and error, and dictionary help became a part of this procedure.

"I'm missing something." Jupiter suddenly announced as he stared at the last group of words. It was strange how he managed to finish it before the beginning. It was easier to write since it expressed the most in its entirety.

Jupiter's head shot up and he looked at his door. He has an idea.


"Is there a particular reason why you forced me into your bedroom?"

Jupiter rolled his eyes as he turned away from his desk, walking back over to the older man with a sheet of paper in hand, "Okay, I know this is kinda weird, but I need your help." He hands him the paper and rubbed the back of his neck as he quickly looked away. "I... wanted to do something special for Legolas. I had the bright idea of writing some of it in Sindarin, but the only problem is that I only know the basics and suck at pronunciation."

Aragorn's eyes scanned over the words that Jupiter had transferred from his original brainstorming paper and they widen a fraction once he finished, "Jupiter, this is... This is for Legolas?"

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now