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WARNING: Get ready for some cringy fluff... At least I think it's cringy ooF

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Everything was planned and ready to go. All they had to do was load the suitcases into their newly acquired, professionally cleaned SUV, and then they're headed off to their very first destination here in the city that they live in.

Jupiter sunk back in the cushion of the driver's seat and shut his eyes. All he had to do was wait for everyone to get dressed and put the suitcases in the back, and fortunately for him, he managed to be the first to complete this task. Also, being the most caring boyfriend, he took the initiative to put Legolas's suitcase in the car along with his so all the elf had to do was get dressed. He absentmindedly rubbed the back of his hand, brushing over slightly raised skin on his knuckles that were distinctly rougher than the rest of his skin.

It was around noon at the moment, an hour before they have to arrive at their first destination. This new destination popped up unexpectedly, but he easily managed to place it in the schedule considering they will have plenty of time. He made sure of it.

Their first stop is actually to a ballet show. Manny's spring ballet show. It is not out of the norm for Jupiter to watch her dance among the fellow dancers throughout the years, but this time she had a solo that she has been stressing over since the beginning of the school year, even before the Fellowship arrived. It did not help that time was taken out of her practice when she was recovering from the appendectomy. Jupiter knows that her skill in dance was extraordinary, but the issue was Manny did not see that, and no matter what he did, she's always blind to it all.

He probably had no right to say this, but it was frustrating when he listens to her worry over her steps, her movements, trying to perfect the intricate solo that she has already memorized and done flawlessly numerous times. However, he may be frustrated due to the very fact that he worries. Her behavior toward her solo routine was much too similar to how she was throughout seventh to ninth grade.

Jupiter hopes that Manny will manage to push through this. She loves to perform, but this was the first time that she will be put in the position as the center of attention on stage.

That wasn't the only thing he was concerned about either. He may be just a tad bit more worried about the trip. He was barely able to fall asleep last night, even with the additional help of the meds and Legolas's soothing Sindarin song. Too many possible outcomes that he definitely did not want to happen sped through his mind one after another and, oh boy, he was thinking more terrible possibilities.

His fiery, amber eyes snap open beneath the lenses of his glasses when the sound of the passenger seat's door clicking open reached his ears. The scent of soap, his favorite shampoo, and pine instantly wafted through the car as he turned his head to properly look at the person who managed to finish first. Unsurprisingly, he was met with blue eyes sparkling with elation.

Instinctively, he smirked, "Congrats, darlin', you're the first to finish 'n have the honor to ride shotgun."

"Oh, please," Legolas nearly rolled his eyes. "You helped me gather my necessities for this trip, so it is hardly worth a congratulation."

"Me? Help?" Jupiter repeated with exaggerated surprise, waving his hand dismissively, "Your mind must be playin' tricks. You definitely deserve that seat, trust me."

"My mind must be playing tricks you say? Then let me see your hand."

The humorous atmosphere diminished along with his smirk. Jupiter, out of habit, automatically hid the appendage, although he knew it was already too late. Legolas gave him an exasperated look and the man huffed, reluctantly revealing it and setting it on the blonde's outstretched one. He both hates and loves how Legolas can catch every detail of him just from a single glance.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now