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I have an early update for all of you! Enjoy!

I do not own Lord of the Rings.

I do own my OCs.


Jupiter collapsed onto the bench swing in the backyard with a satisfied sigh and lit his cigarette. He took a deep breath and let the smoke pour out before exhaling the rest. Keeping the white stick clenched between his teeth, he popped his beer bottle open using the edge of the bench and drank it after taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Don't ask how he managed to smuggle the alcohol in his house or how he got it in the first place.

He leaned back on the bench, looking up at the night sky. It's been a couple of days since the beginning of the week and today he didn't have any work. Manny, who was currently helping around in the dance studios, has a job as a makeup artist at a store in the mall during the afternoon which she starts up again soon. He was still amazed by how talented she was in the arts, and was secretly impressed by her determination to improve her ballet and drawing.

He was slightly drained from today, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle. It helped that he calmed down in the lab and took his time instead of overwhelming himself.

It wasn't late, but it was late enough for everyone to just chill in the living room and watch another movie. He and Manny agreed that they shouldn't show them the Lord of the Rings movie unless they wanted to. Of course, they did, but the both of them stopped it before they entered Moria.

The reactions varied greatly. In the beginning, they had some laughs - especially when Pippin and Merry caused trouble with Gandalf's fireworks - some were neutral, some creeped out due to seeing their lookalikes on screen, some angry, and some sad. Mostly sad. After that, Manny had switched to The Amazing Spider-Man and what they saw mostly slipped from their minds.

He smirked slightly remembering how Frodo and Manny were holding hands during both movies. They thought no one saw it, but he saw it. He definitely saw it. It was really hard to miss considering her cheeks were redder than his hair.

Taking another puff, he tried to figure out where he was going to take Isabelle after dinner and before the party. Probably to the movies or something, but that was the least of his worries at the moment.

A few months ago when they were just starting their relationship, he would be ecstatic to plan out their date and spend time with her, but now... He likes her. He does, but she isn't the same anymore. He feels like the feelings he once had were all just an illusion, but maybe he can take her somewhere and bring out what she once was. What she really is. A nice, caring girl. Not a bitch who thinks she's the queen of everyone and everything just because she's dating him.

A sudden weight on the bench next to him made him jump almost violently, nearly choking on his beer. Jupiter scowled at the other after his coughing fit was over, "Damn it, you scared the shit out of me! I'm gonna start calling you Twinkletoes if you keep it up."

Legolas seemed sheepish and apologized for the scare. He waved it off and took another puff, flicking the ashes off afterwards. "It's warm tonight. A strange change from it's usual coolness."

The scientist hummed in agreement, "Probably since winter is nearly over." He lazily gestured to some trees that were beginning to grow a few leaves. He blindly held out his beer towards the ellon, "Want some?"

There was a pause before the glass bottle was plucked out of his hand. Watching from the corner of his eye, he saw the elf stare at the bronze glass with curiosity before hesitantly drinking some of it. He scrunched up his nose slightly, "It has a strange taste... Bitter as well."

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now